PART TWO (new plot)

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Hi everyone, so so so sorry for the late update but I'm gonna do a new plot for this story and it's going to go back in time to high school. They're no longer adults but teenagers. THIS IS A FLASHBACK + Hope you enjoy and I promise I'll try and update more frequently.

Wrapping her fingers tightly around her textbooks, Naina stepped unsurely into a completely new corridor.

Her eyelids blinked in awe at the high ceilings and elaborate portraits hung on either walls surrounding her of the history of her High School: St Xavier's College.

Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked over her head and everything seemed to turn into slow motion.

Suddenly, a thud brought her down to Earth again.

"Oops! I'm so sorry!" Naina realized she had bumped into a guy who was in a hurry. He looked at her in surprise, as she bent down to pick up her loose papers.

He bent down slowly, not breaking his gaze off her and Naina caught him glancing at her with a smile on his face.

She smiled back uncertainly and he realized he had been staring a bit too long at her. He blinked away and helped her pick up the papers.

She made a face as to say "thank you."

"Hey, I'm Bunny." The guy brushed the back of his head.

She smiled.

"And you must be.....?"

"Naina, Naina Talwar?!" She asked in an excited, high pitched tone.

"Ahh, you're the new girl in our class."

She nodded.

"Come, we have Biology now."

She followed him to the biology class and he opened the door.

To her surprise, a meltdown in her stomach occurred when She saw her new class.

Friends laughing and shouting with each other; no teacher; leaning against tables and being silly. Just what she didn't want.

Naina had gotten used to these frequent disappointments because all the schools she had attended had goofy people in them who weren't nerds like her.

She walked in awkwardly and Bunny left her to join his friends.

She observed him thumping his friends and laughing with them, joking around and teasing them.

No one even seemed to realize that there was a new kid around.

"Oh! Look -" a girl said, pointing towards me.

Everyone's faces turned towards me and a couple of girls came to talk.

"You were so quiet we didn't even see you!" A girl said, and Naina believed her.

"What's your name?"

"She's called Naina." Bunny said, picking himself off the stool and leaning over the desk next to her.

Naina shuffled in her seat awkwardly by all this attention which she hadn't ever got. Maybe once her class realized her true personality, she wouldn't get this attention again.

Suddenly, the teacher came in wearing spectacles that rested high up her nose.

"Naina?" She asked.

Naina stood up quickly.

"Yes miss?"

"Ahh, so you're Naina."

"Yes." She gave her a warm smile and she seemed impressed.

"Otherwise this Bunny," her expression changed to a look of disgust.

"Always is annoying me. An angel like you may be able to put him straight."

Suddenly a few whistles and woos came from the class.

"Errr QUIET!" The teacher thrust a palm in the air.

They all bent down to work.

"Alright - let's check our answers."

The list went on and on....

"So let's continue....."

"Miss! Can I have the answers for the next exercise?" She asked innocently.

Suddenly, the whole class fell silent and she felt embarrassed again.

"Look at this girl!"

Naina looked up frightened.

"She's done so much! No one has ever crossed over three exercises in this class and this girl does seven. My goodness. God has really blessed us hasn't he?"

"Miss, we don't know if God's a "he" or a "she" yet." A boy with a fringe pointed out quietly.

"SHUT UP!" The teacher roared.

"Oh my God Avi, so cliched," Bunny nudged him.

Naina smiled at all this goofiness. She was somehow starting to like it.....

Everlasting loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin