Episode 2 "Friends"

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It was morning. You woke up after having a good dream about Miku. Then, your phone ranged. It was Miku who called you. So, you picked up.

"Hello?" You said.

"Ohayou [Y/N]~ Its me, Miku." She giggled.

"Ah.. Ohayou, Miku. How are you today?" You said.

"Im fine. You?" Miku said it back.

"Fine as well, thanks." You said as you smile.

"Anyway, May i visit your house? Im free right now." Miku asked you if she can visit your house.

"Really? Im okay with that." You nodded.

"Great! I'll go there at... 9 AM. See you there, [Y/N]-kun~" She said happily.

"Okay! See ya, Miku!" You said.

You ended the call. You started to take a bath. Once you finished taking bath, you ate breakfast. After that, you swept the whole house.

It was 9 AM right now. Miku finally arrived at your house. She knocked the door.

"Coming!" You went to the door and opened it. It was Miku. She was wearing her casual clothes. With pink jacket.

"Hello there, [Y/N]!" She smiled brightly.

"Miku! Come in!" You letted her to enter your house.

She looked around at your house. She's pretty suprised.

"What a nice house you got here...~" She looked at you.

You blushed a little and rubbed back of your head.

"N-No problem..." You smiled.

"Anyway, Shall we play? If you have a console.." She asked you if you have a game to play.

"Oh! I have an PS3. Its on my room." You said.

"That's great! We can play together." Miku smiled brightly. You lend her hand and leaded her to the Living Room.

Then, you and Miku played together with your PS3 for few hours..

~At 12AM...~

You and Miku finally stopped playing. She smiled and looked at the clock.

"Oh my.. I should get back home." She stood up.

"Do you have time to play again at my house?" You said.

"I sure do~ Tomorrow as usual~" She smiled and rubbed your head softly.

You blushed and smiled. "See ya~"

Miku waved and went back home.

"Hehe..~" You smiled.

//That's the end of Chapter 2. Sorry if it took so long... I forgot to continue it-

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