Chapter Two

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Each class period felt longer than the last. I couldn't help but clench and unclench my fists under my desk, aching to rip the teachers throat out as she continued to talk about the stupid assignments, picturing my fangs sinking into her neck as she screamed for mercy-

"Did you hear me Marilyn?"

I shook out of my daydream and looked up into her stupid smiling face with a blank expression.

"Yes," I said through gritted teeth. She looked at me once again with a slightly puzzled look before going back to her lecture.

I needed to get the h.ell out of here before something bad happens. As the bell rang thankfully, I grabbed my stuff and ran out of there, not thinking twice.


The forest had a slight fog, giving it more of an eerie setting.

How cliché in a situation like this.

I could feel my canine teeth grow longer and sharper and my vision became more clear, making it possible to see every little detail that I would miss as my human form. I looked around desperately for anything to feed off of.

I heard a slight crunch of leaves in the distance and immediately ran towards the noise, tackling the person down, sinking my fangs into their neck as they screamed bloody murder.

Satisfied yet slightly guilty, I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand as my cravings died down, my fangs went away and my eyes transitioned back to their brown.

"Any longer, and you wouldn't have been able to control it." Turning around, I saw him leaning against a tree smirking, arms crossed.

"Why did you do this?" I asked him sternly.

"Ah, there is yet so much you don't know," he replied nonchalantly. I walked over to him so I was standing right in front of him.

"What the h.ell do you mean? Why me?" He just chuckled and turned around.

"Soon, sweetheart, soon."

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