
Amy hosted girls night at her apartment now that Penny moved in with Leonard. Every Wednesday after dinner, the girls would gather at Amy's place and chat while the guys played Halo. The bitter smell of fermented grape juice burned Amy's nostrils as she poured the wine into three glasses. Just as she lifted the bottle to stop pouring into Penny's glass, Penny held her hand up. "Uh-pup-pup," she motioned her hand for Amy to continue pouring. "Alllllllriiight," she said as Amy slowly dripped less wine into her glass.

"So how's you and Sheldon?" Bernadette swirled her wine before taking a sip. "Are you guys having more sex?" She shot Amy playful look and nudged Penny's elbow.

"Yeaaaah!" Penny trilled in agreement.

"We've been cuddling more," Amy sipped her wine. "And we've only had sex once after we came back. But he's showing way more affection than he did two weeks ago."

"Wow. This coming from a man who didn't even believe in human emotion six years ago." Even though Bernadette wasn't pregnant anymore, she still held off from drinking her wine. Post-pregnancy has made her conscious of what she eats, and in this case, drinks. She focused more on eating the vegetable assortment and skipping the sour cream and onion dip.

"Hey, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and ask, but what exactly are the 'parameters' of your relationship agreement now that you guys have sex willy nilly?" Penny took a gulp of her wine. Since she got promoted to supervisor of pharmaceutical sales, Penny's been making twice as much than she previously did. And the more money she earned, the more expensive the wine she drank. Amy didn't like how Penny was so stressed all the time. Penny claimed she took the job for the better pay to help out her credit card debt, but Amy knew she was just trying to hold herself up to Leonard. Regardless of the vast difference between their paychecks, Penny felt that no amount of money can compare to having a doctorates degree. Everyone knew Leonard didn't mind that Penny never finished community college. But other than Sheldon hanging her lack of education over her head, Penny was the hardest on herself.

"We're not having sex willy nilly," Amy said. She sipped her wine and bit a carrot stick. "And I've been wondering about that too. I guess I'm just waiting on Sheldon to say something."

Bernadette took some Greek yogurt from the fridge. "You know, you've been playing it safe with Sheldon since you met him." She opened the container and dipped in some cucumber slices. "Maybe it's time you tell him what you want."

"I've been doing that. I was the one who demanded intimacy and romance in the first place." Amy dipped the remaining of her carrot stick into the Greek yogurt. She's been close friends with the girls for years now that no one cared about double dipping anymore.

"Yeah because asking for sex from a man who's done as much as patting your head after dating for six years is too much." Penny rolled her eyes. She opened a bag of chips and decided to hog the sour cream dip for herself.

"You've got to admit that he's changed a lot within the past year alone." Amy fiddled her fingers. She knew that the Bernadette and Penny were right, but she's afraid to push Sheldon way past his comfort zone. "Do you remember the day you and Leonard told him that you two would be moving in together? He ran away for a month!" Amy sighed and propped herself against the kitchen island with her elbows. She softly rested her face onto her hands.

"Yeah but that was when he still wasn't used to the idea of change. Sheldon's different now. He's more open. He's changed, you even said so yourself." Despite having a high-pitched voice, Bernadette had a way of giving advice in such a soft tone. Bernadette reached over and squeezed Amy's forearm. "At least bring it up." Amy sighed once more and agreed.

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