"We won't surrender. Scatter around and guard all the entry points of this building," Dulce tod her men then addressed Georgina, "See you have even turned my children against me."

Dulce aimed a gun on Georgina's head.

Georgina knew that once Dulce fired the gun, she would die because she had no bullet-proofed protection by her head.

Georgina then spoke out, "Do you really think that killing me will end everything? Your children were right. They also suffered because of the hate you and Manolo Kim had for my parents. The President had asked my Senator-uncle as well as my parents before granting you a medical parole. I was found after twenty-five years and they agreed on it because they already found me. They would want you to spend your remaining days with your children, because just like them, they want you to feel the joy of being with your children who had been away for so long. But your wrath had blinded you."

Shots were being exchanged outside the building. James had acted even faster. As soon as he gained consciousness he had used the small blade hidden in his cufflink in cutting the rope. Only one thread remains. Once his hands were free, he could reach the hidden retractable knife under the insole of his right shoe.

His hands were free. Slowly and carefully he removed his right shoe and got the knife. He cut the rope of his feet in one swift move.

And as Dulce started to pull on the trigger, he pushed the wheelchair causing her to stumble by the floor. The gun had flown away as it fired up. James got the gun as soon as it hit the ground. Then he cut Georgina's rope.

It took a while for Dulce to recover. She mustered all her strength and got her other gun. Just as she was about to fire it to Georgina, James had also readied the gun he was holding but a police officer was able to have a shot on Dulce's hand ahead of him to disarm her.

Dulce was apprehended.

Gregory, Don Jaime, Don George and Juan joined them.

They exchanged hugs.

Georgina asked, "How did you find us? I don't have my phone with me. It has the locator, Dad."

The men seemed to have agreed not to tell Georgina the truth about the engagement ring.

Juan said, "James had a locator chip on his cufflinks."

That was true. But he lost the left cufflink during the bombing incident and the moment he used the remaining cufflink's hidden bad, the chip was compromised.

Georgina shared, "Yeah, he also had a small blade hidden on his cufflink and a retractable knife hidden under the insole of his right shoe. What else do you have hidden on you clothing, honey?"

James replied, "The other shoe has safety pins for opening locks."

They all laughed.

Because of the physical strain, Dulce finally died of cancer.

They all went home to Lucero Mansion where Mommy Isabelle and Mommy Mariana were worriedly waiting with Belle and Jac.

They had immediately notified them when they were already on their way home.

James and Georgina had taken a shower on separate bathrooms to freshen up.

The rest were waiting on them at the dining room.

Once they were already at the dining room, the supper started.

Don George divulged, "We already decided to have your wedding earlier, James, G."

Georgina asked, "Why?"

Doña Mariana answered, "We can still spend time together even if you're married, Princess. You and James can stay here anytime or we can visit you and James wherever you decide to live."

Don Jaime added, "The Kims would return to Macau. Sheng-li never wanted to take part of the revenge plot of Manolo and Dulce, but it seemed that the two had a hold against him so he had let Dulce used those two men who attack you last time so as to come up with an escape pan with Manolo when they were already inside the penitentiary. Dulce hired more men using Sheng-li Kim's money. The one of the men guarding Dulce Marie in London was a hired-personnel of Dulce. She had personnel manning her children just to make sure that they won't be able to do anything to save their grandfather while he was her hostage. That man with Dulce Marie was the one saw you in London. He had followed you around. They had devised ways to abduct you but they didn't succeed coz you were guarded by Juan and two other security officers. Also, every time you travel, James had seen to it that the car you used is armored. So they resorted in bombing."

Doña Isabelle said, "But they were all in the past now. You may not enjoy your usual freedom when you were still Zoey but you won't be cooped inside this mansion anymore. You can already go out. James knows how to keep you safe anyway, so as his prize your parents had agreed to have the wedding earlier."

Gregory then joked his sister, "Don't you want to be married right away, G? James is already thirty years old. It's time for him to propagate his family name."

Georgina ranted, "Same with you, Kuya Greg." Then she looked at James and said "I will agree on an earlier wedding," and winked at him

James addressed her, "Thanks for agreeing, honey."

Belle then asked, "What changed your mind, G?"

Georgina replied, "I almost died tonight. Dulce Lopez even wanted James to marry her daughter while I just watched. He cannot marry another woman but me."

Jac then asked, "So will mean that I will be left again with the corporation when you go on a honeymoon trip?"

Everyone laughed. Having the Deputy CEO position had curtailed some of Jac's freedom.

James commented, "Well, you're just doing fine without my presence. I know I don't need to worry if ever I'm out on business trips or even personal trips. Or would you rather do the business trips?"

Jac answered, "I preferred being left here. You can travel anytime you want.

The wedding was scheduled on August 8, 2014. Friday evening.

That night James also stayed at Lucero Mansion. He and Georgina shared her bedroom.

They were in a cuddling position.

He asked her, "Where do you want our honeymoon?"

She answered, "I have travelled around a lot since I was found. Let's just have it at the penthouse."

"Okay," he acknowledged it.

She then inquired, "Where will we live after the wedding?"

He told her, "As the oldest son, the ownership of my parents' mansion would be transferred to me once we get married. Dad and Mom will travel to Mom's relatives and do charity works on the side. They always wanted to travel but they are waiting until I settle down."

She deduced, "So we'll live in that big mansion! It is even bigger than Lucero Mansion. Big houses are making me so tired."

He informed her, "It's a safe place, honey."

She acknowledged it, "I know," then she asked "Do you want us to have children right away?"

He said, "We can work on our first after the wedding if it's okay with you. Then we can work on the others for 2-3 years intervals."

She asked him, "How many children do you actually want us to have?"

He answered, "Three of four."

She affirmed, "It is fine by me. I also want those same numbers."

He assured her, "I will still allow you to go on with your business project. I won't coop you just inside the house but your lady bodyguard as well as that head of security your father hired would have to stay."

She responded, "Of course, I understand. You don't want me missing again anyway."

He assured her, "I will always find you, honey."

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