"Ugh Scorpius Malfoy, you're an affectionate dweeb." She told him and he laughed.

"You made my day Lily Potter." He told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and looked up. Her eyes met Albus' and he looked saddened. His eyes were tired and he looked on the verge of tears. She gave him a small smile and nodded her head. He smiled shyly back before turning his attention back to Cain. Cain moved his arm to put it around Albus but the boy flinched causing her to frown. "Scorpius?" She whispered.

"I saw it too." He told her.

"I-is that why you want him to stop being with Cain?" She asked and he swallowed hard before nodding.

"What do you think Lily?" He asked her and she looked up at him.

"I think we need to get him out of this relationship."


They plotted their plan on how to break the pair up. They sat in the Ravenclaw common room because Scorpius didn't trust anyone else in his house. He suggested they go straight to McGonagall to tell of Albus' situation but Lily disputed that saying if they did that, the situation would worsen.

"Alright smarty pants, what do you think we should do?" Scorpius asked and Lily smirked at the comment. It morphed into something of seriousness as she started.

"I think we should corner him without Cain. He has quidditch practice tonight and if my speculations are correct, he'd want Albus to stay close. Meaning, he'd probably be in the stands. So we can just go to the quidditch pitch and talk to him."

"I would be killed if I go there. Cain hates me." Scorpius pointed out and Lily bit her lip before she looked directly at Scorpius.
"I'll go by myself. I am, after all, his sister." She told him and he looked uneasy. "He's my brother Scorpius, I can take him."

"Fine." Scorpius sighed in defeat. The door opened up and someone walked in.

"Hey guys." The redhead walked by siting in the arm chair near them. "I've never seen you in here." He regarded Scorpius.

"Oh hey Kyle." Lily greeted with a smile.

"Kyle!" Scorpius shouted. "You dated Cain, how'd you leave?" He asked and Kyle looked away.

"I told you already." He started to nervously play with his hands.

"I forgot." Scorpius frowned and Kyle took a deep breath.

"Okay." He met Scorpius' eyes. "I cheated on Cain because that's the only thing he doesn't tolerate. He knows then that if you're strong enough to cheat on him then he can't..." He stopped and shook his head. He looked as if he couldn't physically say the words.

"I get it." Scorpius nodded. "So all I have to do is get Albus to cheat on Cain?" He asked and Kyle shrugged.

"I suppose." Kyle sighed and then swallowed. "Albus is lucky to have you two. I wish I had those types of people in my life. I used to but it went south after I started dating him." He started to explain. "He told me he loved me after a few months, we were both fairly young but I loved him... at least I thought I did. He would turn me against my friends until it was just us. Isolating me so I have nowhere to go. That's when it started." Again it looked like he was physically unable to speak. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, Scorpius noticed the tears. "It's okay now." He told them.

"I'm happy to hear that Kyle." Lily smiled and Scorpius nodded.

"Yeah I am too." Scorpius grinned.

"Thank you." Kyle grinned and then swallowed. "So um Scorpius, are you single?" He asked and Scorpius furrowed his brow.

"Erm yeah, newly as of like three weeks, why?" He asked and Kyle blushed.

"Maybe you and I can go on a date?" He suggested and Scorpius blushed heavily.

"Oh erm that's a really lovely offer but I don't think I'm-" He stopped himself before he could say in to guys. He firmly believed in 'don't knock it until you tried it' which is why his favorite candy was cockroach clusters. "Ready for another relationship right now. My last one didn't end all that well." He explained and Kyle nodded.

"Understandable." He grinned and Scorpius looked at Lily awkwardly.

"So er what are we going to do?" He asked Lily. "My plan or yours?"

"Wait what was your plan?" She asked.

"The cheating." He told her and she shook her head.

"No. We're doing my plan first." She told him and Scorpius sighed.

"Fine." He told her and she stood up.

"Well I'm going now. Scorp stay here... with your new boyfriend, I'll be right back." She smirked and scampered off. Scorpius just looked at Kyle and awkwardly smiled.

"So how are you?"

Albus sat on the stands on the field waiting for Cain to be done. He just wanted to curl up and maybe get some rest. That, however, was highly unlikely. From the night where he was cruico'd, he wasn't able to sleep. That night, Cain was really mad at Rose and took it out on Albus. The next day, he felt so bad that he cried on Albus' shoulder and apologized profusely. He bought Albus roses, candy and some broom polish to right his wrong.

He still wasn't able to sleep, he was too afraid too. He waited until Cain was asleep so he could go to sleep and knew to get up before him. But the downside was, Cain usually didn't sleep until one am so Albus would go to sleep at two and get up at six. He was really exhausted from that going on for so long.

"Ah bro, you look so lonely." Albus jumped at the sound of his sister's voice. He looked over and Lily was walking over to him. She was bundled up for the nippy February air so he smiled at her.

"Hey Lils." He greeted quietly.

"So is he any good?" She asked looking at the sky. They were all zooming around and Cain was directly them what to do.

"Not as good as you, I have to say so myself." He teased and Lily grinned.

"Well I am the best." She knocked her shoulder into his in a sibling manner and didn't like how he winced. She frowned at him and turned so she was looking at him. "You're scared." She dropped her voice.

"Of what?" He swallowed hard.

"Of him." She told him. "It's okay though." He just shook his head and started to wring his hands together.

"I'm not. I don't know what you're talking about." He took a breath. "He's just temperamental. He loves me, I know he does."

"If he loved you, he wouldn't hurt you." He looked at her and scowled.

"You're wrong Lily." He told her.

"You know I'm not Albus." She whispered loudly at him. "I'm not wrong about anything! That's the thing and I know you're scared." She quieted down. "I'm gonna help you." She told him and he swallowed hard. Tears made their way into his eyes as he shook his head.

"No Lily." He told her. "You can't help me." Just as she was about dispute that, Cain swooped so he was hovering near them. Albus quickly wiped his eyes and Cain sneered.

"Leave Lily, these are closed practices." He told her and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm just spending time with my brother Avery." She spat viciously. "Besides, your keepers are shit." She told him and Cain narrowed his eyes.

"Lily, I'll talk to you later. Just go." Albus said and Lily agreed. She started to walk and shook her head. Time for plan B.

Loss Of Words (Scorbus) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now