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Me: The shy munchkin!

Pearl: I-I'm not small!

Me: *looks down* You're 13, yet you're only 5" 3'.

Pearl: Leave me alone!

Me: Whatever. Now, a picture of m'lady.

Wow, I only found 1 picture of you

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Wow, I only found 1 picture of you.

Pearl: *blushes* That's because I hide from cameras! You guys made me do this for the Valent-

Me: *covers her mouth*NO. SPOILING. Anyways, let's get on with the bio!


Me: Full name?

Pearl: Pearl Dreemurr.

Me: Didn't you have a different last na-


Me: Hokay then, fine. Uhm, we know you're 13 and female.. Uuuhhhh...

Pearl: Just check Wattpad.

Me: Oh. Right. BRB! *jumps through phone*

Pearl: ........

Me: *comes back with list* Got them!

Pearl: *looks* These are from a roleplay.. I was made at a roleplay!!?

(Hey, cut me some slack, I mean, my imagination works best in roleplays! Besides, I can erase you if you want.)

Pearl: *holds arms* Ahh! N-no, I-I'm fi-fine!

Me: Rude. Anyways, sexuality?

Pearl: *shaking* S-straight..

Me: *lifts eyebrow* ?

Pearl: *calms down and blushes* Fine.. I might be lesbian.. Leave me alone..

Me: I'm gonna bring her from Sweden after Kōfuku visits. Anyways. Personality?

Pearl: Well, I act timid, but that's only around you guys and a camera.. But, alone or with your cousins around, I feel.. Brave. Confident. I only act timid because of the camera and you have, what, 7 - no, 9 demons? Yeah, no. Plus, they tried killing me!

Me: Well, you took my coffee.

Pearl: That doesn't mean you pull out a bazooka person, four knived people, 3 shuriken people, and a freaking spawn from Hell! Actually, ALL were from Hell!

Me: It's fine if you cuss.

Pearl: I don't wanna.

Me: Back to the topic. What do you like?

Pearl: Easy! Life, and pretty much everything it has to offer except a few things.

Me: What goes on the dislike?

Pearl: Mean things, like fighting --

Me: Alright. Now --

Pearl: And you being drunk.

Me: *spit take to the side of the room* What, ME!?!?

Pearl: It's wierd! How do you get drunk, without getting 5 feet near alcohol!?

Me: It's called living after death. It gets to ya. Well, demons and hybrids anyways. BUT! We are here for you, not for me. Now, uh, species?

Pearl: *eyes go dark and looks down* Classified.

Me: But, wait, wha????


Me: Welp, she's a thing, guys! *reads form* Alright, uh, for looks, saw the picture, dadadadada..

Pearl: Please say I'm done..

Me: Two more questions!

Pearl: Uuuuugggggghhh.

Me: Shaddup. Now, 1: Family, 2: Anything else we wanna know?

Pearl: ......The Dreemurr family are all I have left.. Frisk and I.. We couldn't... That's it. Nothing else. Except my voice cracks when I'm sad.

Me: Pearl, you okay?

Pearl: *wipes tears* No! I'm not! Leave me alone until Kōfuku gets here! *walks to room and slams the door*

Me: ....Whoops.. Well, I will see all you princes and princesses later. Boi! *waves rapidly at camera before shutting it off*

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