"Valentine is the only one protecting me." I got my stars out. "I have my orders."

I threw my star at him. I knew he would dodge it, so I tackled him to the ground. I kicked his bow out of his hands and punched him. I sent another punch but he grabbed my hand and flipped us over. He tried to grab my hands, but I elbowed him before flipping us over again. I grabbed him by the collar and sent another punch. Punch after punch. He's not fighting back. Why isn't he fighting back?

Alec manages to flip me over again and held my hands above my head. "I don't want to hurt you." He panted.

I tried to get out of his grip but he wouldn't budge. I looked into his eyes and saw no hatred in them. No fear. Just...warmth. And there's this weird pounding in my chest again. It's beating fast like if I just ran a marathon and it won't stop. I can't think about it. Emotions cloud my judgement.

I kneed Alec in the groin. When he released me I sent another punch. I need to put a lot of force into this if I want to knock him out, which it did. I got up and looked down at him. Alec hasn't attacked me, well beside the arrow. He didn't fight back like he's afraid to hurt me.

This is all a trick. It has to be. He wants to trick me into going back to the Institute. The moment I go back to the Institute, I'll be sent to the City of Bones. I'll be put into trial and maybe stripped of my runes. That's what he's trying to do. Well, it's not going to work. Not this time.


3rd POV

Alec stood outside Magnus' balcony. Everything is going wrong. Jocelyn is dead, he couldn't look Clary in the eye. Sammy...he doesn't know what's wrong with her, but that's not his Sammy.

He followed her all night. When she turned the alleyway, he followed her. He jumped over buildings and tracked her every movement. When he found her at the warlock's apartment he had to do something. He was just too late.

Magnus walked out, "You okay?"

Alec kept staring at his hand. The same hand he ripped Jocelyn's heart out with. "I can't be in that Institute." He said.

Magnus gave him a sad look, "Oh, Alec."

Alec didn't want any pity and decided to change the subject, "Heard you turned in Camille. How'd that go?"

"Honestly? It was awful. We had a lot of history, she and I. I'm sorry if that's weird."

Alec kept looking at his had as he shrugged his shoulders, "It's not weird. You say what you think."

"Too busy to use the healing rune?" Magnus pointed out.

"I'm fine."

Magnus saw right through his lie. "No, you're not. You're hurting. Badly. You hope the pain here," He held out his hand. "will overpower the pain there." He pointed to his heart. "I wish it were that simple."

"I let a demon in, Magnus."

"That wasn't your fault."

"I don't know what to say to Clary. I can't face her."

"But you will. Because that's what you do, Alexander. It may take you a minute, but I've seen it up close. I went to your wedding. You'll blow up the very ground you stand on to make something right."

There was something else on Alec's chest that he needed to talk about, "I saw her. I saw Sammy."

Magnus did his best to sound surprise, "You did? How's she?" He hoped that Alec doesn't find anything suspicious about her. After her visit, Magnus stayed up all night trying to find a way to break that necklace's hold on her. Sadly, he hasn't.

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