Skyrim 0.1

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Full Name: Nora Coliar.

Gender: Female.

Age: 21.

Race: Breton.

Faction: None.

Looks: She is 5'4" and skinny.


(Her Appearance) 

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(Her Appearance) 

Personality: She is Quiet and Reserved

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Personality: She is Quiet and Reserved. Nora is Observant, and knows almost everything about most people. She hides, and goes unnoticed. Nora stays in the shadows, and prefers to be on her own.

Skills: Smithing, Light Armour, Illusion, One-handed, Sneak.

Reputation: Non-Existent.

Weapons: Her dagger and magic.

Crush: Mecinato. (arufureddo- )

Other: She lives on her own in a small hut she built. She lives off of the food she hunts and doesn't like to be in any social interaction. Her small hut is in the forest near Ivarstead. She rides a tamed, grey sabre cat, named Kigo. 

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