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As the title said, this is a quote book. I initially made this to share some quotes my friends and I created, but there are still quotes available from other sources!

This book is divided into two parts which are the quotes my friends and I made and the quotes from somewhere else. The two parts are marked with a [START!] and [END!]. In between those markers are the quotes, and there's only one per chapter.

The chapter names will only be numbers because... Well... If you were here before this book was edited... The names were really weird HAHAHAHA

The chapters include a few stories or remarks from me, but you're definitely free to skip those if you wish!

Also, you can suggest some if you want through Private Message!

Please remember to give proper credit if you ever use these quotes.

Okay, let's staaaart!


This Is A Random Quote BookWhere stories live. Discover now