Tripping up the stairs a few times, he grabbed me around the waist helping me back to my feet. Shooing him away I hit the screen door with my hand and made a hole in it.
    “Shit.” Finding the handle and pulling it open. Keeping straight was harder than I thought it would be, I hit one side of the wall more than the other, and almost ended up in the bathroom. Alpha pulled me before I fell through the bath door and kept me straight till we reach my bedroom door. Moving quicker I left his hands and hit the bed with my knee causing more pain, but I pushed through it and slammed into the nightstand reaching for the draw and feeling around for my bottle. Hearing it rattle I grabbed it, twisted the cap off franticly and when that didn’t work I pulled it off with my teeth.

    The pills dropped over the floor, and I found one dry swallowing it. Leaning against the bed in a ragged breath. It didn’t take long for my vision to return, Alpha was resting in front of me squatting down. His arms leaned off his knees, and his big eyes watched me carefully. We looked at each other in silence, it felt weird having him back in the house again. Finally I broke the silence.
    “What are you doing here Alpha?”
    “I drove.”

    “That’s not what I meant, don’t be a smartass.” Taking a deep breath and feeling a lot better.
    “Are you going to shoot at me again?” He sounded cocky and looked it too.
    “I dunno do I need to?” Raising an eyebrow. Then closing them.
    “You going to let me stay here?”
    “Why?” Opening both my eyes for his answer.
    “Personal.” That’s rich, rolling my eyes and closing them again.
    “Huh! Personal, how personal are we talking here?” Pulling one leg to my chest.
    “Very!” Pausing and looking at the bottle I was still clenching onto. “Are you sick?” He was genuinely concerned.

    “Not really, its more personal.” Smiling a little. He huffed and picked up a pill.
    “What do they do?” Putting it between two fingers. I reopened my eyes, taking the pill from him.
    “They keep my blood stable, and don’t play with them.” Picking up the others and closing the cap.
    “Blood stable?” Tilting his head to one side.
    “Yes.” Pulling myself up using the bed. My balance was still somewhat shaky and I fell backward after getting to my feet. Hitting my back against his chest he instinctively wrapped around my sides. It was silent except for the rhythm of our breathing. Stepping away from him, I did my very best to hold myself up.

    “Why does your blood need to be stabilized with pills?” He was reopening this subject. Quietly sighing, I gave the best answer I could.
    “Because if it gets to high, I can’t see and I go into a fit.” Fixing my hair and realizing I was still wearing my work uniform I silently groaned.
    “Sounds like a wolf thing!” My eyes widened, and a bead of sweat slipped down my forehead. Laughing it off, I turning around.
    “Nope, just a stupid human problem.” Grinning stupidly. Either he didn’t like my answer or bought the whole thing. Either way he headed for my door.
    “Take a shower you stink.” Waving at me like a child, I slumped on my bed as he went into the kitchen. After a good shower I called Lacey and asked her to hold my keys for me. It was late and I knew I needed to call him, but with the Alpha right down the hall, I wouldn’t be able to have a private conversation.
    Flipping my cell open and hitting a few buttons I started a text.

Luna: Are you awake?
Father: Yes, something wrong?
Luna: maybe…
Father: Call me?
Luna: Can’t, I reacted today
Father: Are you alright? Do you need me to come get you?
Luna: Yes I’m fine, no at home
Father: Then call me
Luna: Can’t Alpha down the hall
Father: Did he see?
Luna: Maybe, not sure
Father: Are you sure your okay?
Luna: yea, I got one in time
Father: been a while
Luna: Yea, scared me a little bit.
Father: did the Alpha cause it?
Luna: no, a human male did
Father: You know what I would tell you
Luna: Yes, I’m on it.
Father: Good, everything else okay?
Luna: Yes, I’ll call you sometime soon
Father: Okay, sweet dreams love
Luna: night dad

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