"Hello sir, what can I get for you." I ask him as politely as I can with a fake smile.

"Just a coffee thank you." He asks as I roll my eyes with a groan of annoyance.

"Dude, we are a coffee shop. StarBucks, did you know? There is literally so many different coffee's so what kinda coffee do you want." I say as he chuckles lightly.

"Just a mocha with two sugars." He repeats differently and I scribble the order on my notepad.

"Coming right up." I tell him and walk away, making him his sweet ass mocha.

After making it I brought it to him on a small dish and placed it on his table. "Anything else sir?" I ask him as he thinks for a second.

"Actually, yes." He reached into his pocket and took out my container of gum, making it to me. "I believe you dropped this."

"Wait so this is why you're here? Just to give me my gum?" I ask as he nods, a smirk pulling to his lips. "Wow, it's not like it's a necessity or anything."

"I think you need it." He tells me as I scowl at him and snatch the packet of gum from him, sticking it in my pocket.

"Gee. Thanks." I fold my arms and shake my head. "Anything else you would like sir?"

"Yes." He looks at my name tag briefly before locking his now dark green eyes with mine. "Margo, I insist you stop calling me sir, it's making me squirm."

"Well stop squirming then? Nasty ass kinks." I walk away back behind the counter. I secretly breathe out onto my cupped palm and smelt my breath, turning around to notice him chuckling at my actions whilst sipping his coffee observantly. My breath didn't smell, liar.

He later left the store and Linda left to clean up after him.

"Oi Margo." I hear her say as I turned around and raised an eyebrow at her.


"This was left in the mans coffee cup, I think it's for you." She tells me and hands me a little note folded up with the word 'Margo' written on it.

"Well no shit it's for me. It literally says my name on it." I say and she rolls her eyes and walks back to the front counter to serve some customers.

I open the note and read the messy handwriting left on the piece of paper.

My name's Harry x

"That's it?" Linda said from over my shoulder, making me spin around and look at her strange.

"But- I though you were..." I state confused and look around the room.

"It took you a while to read. I could've swarm you reread it about fifty times." She shrugs and walks past me, wiping the front counter down with a cloth. "You can leave early today if you wanted to."

"Really?" I look at her, dumbstruck. She simply nodded her head and point towards the door smiling.

"Go on. Get out, before I change my mind." She chuckles as a give her a thanking smile and run out the cafe door, jogging down the street.

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