Ch. 2

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… Hi…

So, I decided to update.

I know it's been a long time, years actually, and I highly doubt that I'll be able to update this again anytime soon, it's better than nothing…right?

My deepest apologies. *bows*

Oh, and I forgot to say this on the first chapter: I do not own the Transformers! If I did, Sideswipe would have his twin! SUNSTREAKER IS NOT DEAD!


"Excuse me sir, is there a Tranquility around here?"

"Yeah, in South Gate. Aren't you a bit young to be travelling by yourself kid?"

"I have money."

"Do you have enough?"

"How much would you need?"

"My guess is fifty to sixty."

Luckily my old foster family had given me $100 in case of emergencies. "Okay," I said. "Take me there."

I hadn't slept again on the plane. Obviously. I couldn't! There was no way, after a scare like that, that I'd ever be able to fall asleep on a plane again. If you had gone through that whole thing with me, you'd agree.

I swear, the rest of that flight had been terrible. At the slightest tremor, even the movement of the peanut cart passing by, (which by the way, I had some peanuts from it, and I was totally robbed of salt), I would jump a foot in my seat.

Needless to say, I had been scared out of my tiny ten-year-old mind.

Eventually the flight had ended, but I still hadn't figured out what the heck had happened. I was actually around the lines of thinking that I had actually gone crazy. Bad crazy, I mean. Like funny farm crazy. At least, that's what I had been thinking until I'd gotten off the plane.

Remember how I said that I was going to San Francisco? That's because San Francisco is close to Fresno, which is where Tranquility is. Well, when I'd gotten off the plane, I saw a sign that read "Welcome to Los Angeles". Okay, sometimes I can be very forgetful, but I swear I was supposed to be in Frisco! If you know California, you know that LA was far from where I was supposed to be.

I knew I had to get this figured out, so I decided to get my luggage quick before the crowd got too horribly large and then head up to the main desk.

Guess what? My luggage was lost. Great. Just great. Now I was all alone in LA, with nothing but my tote bag. Wait, all my security papers were in my tote bag, so I could still get this all sorted out? Right?

Wrong. They were gone too. I couldn't prove that I'd even been on the plane. I'd be arrested as a stowaway if I went to the main desk. So now I was all alone in LA, with nothing but my tote bag, which had nothing to offer. I had no proof that I gotten on the plane. Plus, no one was there to pick me up. I had to get somewhere or someone might find me and ask questions, so I Mustered up some courage and caught a cab.

While I was sitting there in the taxi, I tried to analyze my situation.

I'd read enough fanfictions online (don't worry, only K to K+) to have realized what had happened by now: I had changed worlds. Okay okay now I know that sounds crazy, but what else could it be? It was the only thing that made sense, if you could call it sense. The super shivers on the plane, the change in flight destination, and the loss of my duffel bag and legal papers all fit under that category. Although, I did wonder: since impossible things had been happening, why had just my legal papers disappeared and not the whole bag?

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