chapter 1

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well here i go again..another mornig of hell.i was just waking up getting ready for school.i put on my high wasted jeans with a button down longsleves shirt with my doc martins.Yeah i know what you thinking this girl know how to dress.You know it.I went downstairs to see my mother cooking.I might as well get prepared to be judge because whatever i have on she says something about it.

"hey mom".i said lowly trying to walk past her real quick.

"Don't hey me..where you think you going dreesed like that.

always trying to showout infront of these men outside..girl sit yo tail down somewhere..the more you try to show off yo tail the more you gone catch them mens attetion when they supose to be paying attetion to me and not yo skinny tale."her mom says.

and thats what i deal with every morning.that same speech.I just shook my head and grabed my backpack and walks out the door.

yeah i walk to school.My mom dont care for me that much to drive me to school so i walk..but i dont walk alone

"Yooooo CIDNEY SLOW DOWN."ray ray yells running up to her.

"hahah nahhh you catch up."i say while laghing.

"Woooo dang im outta breath!" ray says while trying to catch his breath.

"hahah hey ray."i say.

"wassup girl."ray says while doing a little handshake with cidney.

ray was my A1 freind..and also my walking buddy.

"sooo you heard about that party that my bro roc throwing?" ray asked

"yeah but im not going..i gotta go to some party chris want me to go to."i said to ray.

"your boyfriend chris?"he says hopeing she dosen't say yes

"yup." I say

"well be carefull cidney..that boy something else".

uhhhh while we was talking and walking i saw my boyfriend driving up beside us.


"no you wasnt always say youll pick me up but you always come late and im a straight A student i cant be late all the time!" I say while sounding irratated.

"haha this girl crazy! yo dude with the plates in ya head".chris says refering to ray ray.

"my names ray and what do you want."ray bucks at him.

"first of all if i was you i would shutup with that smart mouth of yours and 2nd you go now cause cidney riding the rest of the way with me

"NO IM NOT!"i yell.

"hahaha cidney stop playing and get yo tail in here".chris says while putting a cigrate in his mouth and lits it up.

"i said im not going chris!"i yell hopeing he dosen't say anything back.

"cidney if you dont get yo behind in this car rightnow you gone have to face some stuff...remember what happen last time you didnt do what i tould you?"

i stop for a minute and thought about when he had hit me on my back for not listeing to him and every since that day it left a mark on my back. I cant go through that no more. So I just hopped in the car with him

"yeah you betta..i thought i was gone have to rejog yo memory."he says while smoking.

"BYE LIL SISY".chris says to ray while he drives of.

"bitch!"ray says to hiself when he drove off.

"cidney baby why you was talking like that to me..with that smart mouth and stuff..I mean was you trying to showout infront of that dude? Is that what you trying to do?"Chris says with anger.

"no i just didnt want to ride with you because you.."i stoped talking because i knew if i kept going i would have got smaked in the face again.

"im what...IM WHAT CIDNEY not good for think that kid is better than me?"chris asks

i didnt say nothing because i affraid to

"Oh so now you cant talk..ok i got something that will make you talk."Chris says while stoping the car.. and gets out of his seatbelt

"NOOO NOOO CHRIS NOOO!"i yell while crying.

"NAHH YOU WOMT TALK..BET YOU WILL TALK AFTER THIS!"he says while swinging at her.

yup this is how my day be..and this ant nothing but the morning..i dont know why i get treated so badly.


Why Does This Happen To Me?(Ray Ray Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن