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What is it in love, that craves people to want more?

Why is real love so hard to find?

There is a lot of questions in life, that hardly gets answered.

Why is it that two people can fall in love quickly, but can fall out of love faster than a click of a camera?

I heard that when you meet the right person you know they're the one.

But the real question is how do know that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person?

In my short life I also learned that love is kind, love is patient, love is timeless.

If love is so timeless, why are people so impatient on finding the right person?

What I think scares people the most about love is what if the person you love, doesn't feel the same way as you?

Well that's that scary part about love, but when both of you know it's real than it's not as scary.

Love seems like a beautiful thing I haven't experience love before, but when I do I hope it's with the right person and at the right time.

Love is meant to be sweet, kind, and caring.

People will argue that love isn't everything, but when you find and experience real love, well that is when you start living and enjoying your life with the person you love.

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