"The jungle.....Pan wants him, he's behind all this. Look Mr. Gold, I didn't know who I was working for. I'm sorry about Neal, I'm so sorry" She explains sadly

"I know" Rumple says kneeling down the her level. The girl watches with wide eyes as she anticipates his next move "You were merely a pawn" Rumple says his brown eyes staring into hers.

"Can.....can you forgive me?"

"No." Rumple says as he rips out her heart. The girl stands starts backing away in fear. Rumplestiltskin stands up with the red, beating heart in his hand and starts squeezing. The once vital organ is now dust in Rumple hand. He watches emotionless as the girl runs away from him in fear. He turns and goes in the opposite direction.

The girl runs through the woods. Tree branches tore at her skin and clothes. She trips and stumbles on a tree root. She clutches her ankle in pain. She hisses as her hand makes contact with the wound. She rests with her back against a tree. She looks at her bloodied hands and faints from the sight.


It's morning when the girl opens her eyes, she looks at her ankle and inspects the damage done to it. It's infected, swollen, and painful. She winces as she pokes at it. That's when she hears it a growl. She sees a wolf starting at her hungrily. The snarling animal inches closer as salvia drips from his sharp teeth. With the help of the tree she stands up, she tries to run but she doesn't get far. She feels the teeth of the wolf dig into her." She screams in pain, she tries to fight her way free from the wolf but she can't get free.

She sees a rock and reaches for it. When she grabs it she smashes it into the wolf skull, killing the animal. She looks in horror at the rock and throws it far from her. Tears well up in her eyes but she blinks them away and slowly moves away from the carcass. It's night when she makes it to a lake she sticks her injured ankle and bites through the pain as she cleans it. Grabbing a large leaf she wraps the wound. Along the river bed she finds a large stick and uses it as a walking stick. She adjusts her cloak and sticks her hood up hoping it hides her from predators.


She stops when she sees a boy, clad in green. She quickly drops her stick and runs, fear over taking the pain. She squeals when she's slammed against a tree. Hands on either side of her head. "Who are you?" A British voice asks, she shuts her eyes as the bark of the tree digs into her back painfully.


The boy growls when he doesn't get an answer, he roughly grabs the hood and pulls it down. His eyes widen when he sees it's a girl under the hood. He looks into her fearful brown eyes. He quickly regains his composure and smirks "Well, what do have here?" He questions enjoying how the girl flinches when he speaks to him. He watches as her mouth opens and closes, he's getting more and more annoyed with this girl. She can't say anything, because she's lost in his forest green eyes, even though they look like they could kill her she can't help but be in awe at the sight of them.


She backs up further into the tree and starts to tremble under his harsh, intense, non-faltering gaze, black spots start invading her vision and she feels herself falling forward. But she can't stop herself because she passes out.

-Pan's POV-

The girl's eyes unfocused and flutter shut, her body sways dangerously. I back up as she falls forward, crashing to the ground. I nudge her with my foot but she remains unmoving. How boring the game was just getting fun. I watch as the girl lays unconscious on the dirt. I roll my eyes at her pathetic-ness. I push her onto her back, her brown hair covers her face so I tuck it out of the way. Scratches litter her forehead, what concerns me is the bruise on her hair line, it's old and fading but still it's large enough to catch my attention.

I sense Felix coming beside me, he eyes the girl before turning to me. "What do we do with her?" he asks, I look back at him. "Put her in a cage, and hang it by my treehouse." I order, Felix grabs her and takes her away. I'm curious about my new toy but I must wait until she awakes but that's fine I got bigger fish to fry."


Later that night I see movement in the cage. I lean on my windowsill to try to talk to my newest prisoner. "Will you tell me who you are now?" I ask harshly, even in the dark I can see her brown eyes widen in surprise. "Fine don't talk but you will not be leaving that cage." I say pulling my body back inside, with a wave of my hand I close the curtain to the window blocking the girl and the cage from my sight.


-6 Days Later-

I just got back after catching Emma and the others in a trap, not my problem they cheated. Using magic on the map how predictable. I scoff at the memory. I look at Henry who seems lost but not the kind of lost I need. I groan why won't he break. Well he does have the heart of The Truest Believer. Felix comes over to me with a look on his face, great just what I needed.

"Pan do you plan on killing that girl? Because she's been in her cage for six days now." Felix asks in an annoyed tone. Girl....oh shit! I was so preoccupied with Henry I forgot about her! "Dekan, Les why don't you and the others take Henry to the waterfall? Maybe get some fish for dinner?" I say, I watch the boys scatter through the woods, once they're out of sight I turn to Felix. "Go get her." I say to Felix, I watch as he walks to the cage. What am I going to do with her?


Felix brings the girl who avoids my gazes. "Now who are you?" I ask her, "Don't you know? What about where you're from? Your parents?" I shoot off questions, she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know my name, my parents never gave me one! I was taken from my town put in another then dragged her! I don't know who I am or where I belong! I'm pathetic, I cry at everything, and I'm scared of everything and everyone! Are you happy now?!" She yells catching me off guard. Maybe I went too far? Well if she'd just answer the damn question. She takes off running, Felix goes to chase her. I grab his arm, stopping him. My eyes follow the retreating figure.

"No, let her go."

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