Call it luck?

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Hi I'm Emily
I'm from Canada
It's so cold right now
I'm 17
I have blonde straight hair and bright blue eyes.
I live with my mum cause my dad left when I was born cause he didn't want a kid, so my mum raised me alone.
I'm inlove with the janoskians from Melbourne, speaking of Melbourne I'm moving there tommorow cause mum decided she wants a fresh new start.
Well mum said I have too sleep cause we have too get up early. bye xxx

Chapter 1:
I woke up at 4:30am the flight was at seven. but we had too be there at 5:00 am to get booked in and shit.
"Em it's time too go we have a plane too catch" mum shouted from downstairs
"Coming just getting my suitcases" I yelped in pain as a box hit me as it fell from the top shelf of my cabinet.
"Mum what's this" I asked confused walking down stairs picking up my shoulder bag
"Um baby photos I can't believe they are still there" she said shoving them in her carry on bag
"Ugh okay" I moaned

2 hours later :
We are now boarding the plane I take my seat and a handsome young boy sits next too me.
"Hey I'm Luke , Luke brooks" he said putting his hand out
"Omg Luke brooks your my idol I'm Emily but people call me em" I said in shock
" Wow really I love you well my fans" he said
" I love you too" I spoke up blushing like crazy
"Stop blushing you so cute" he whispered he noticed me omfg
" Can I have a photo" I asked nicely
" Sure babe" he replied
The photo was like kissing my check and then me on his lap.
" Done" I said
"Hey what's that" he said pointing to my recently cut skin
"Oh nothing" I said backing away into my seat
Luke grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve
"Oh em I'm so sorry" he said
"Why should you be sorry you don't even know me" I said softly sobbing
"I want too thought here's my number"" I said grabbing her phone but it had a password she unlocked it and I looked at the background photo it was her in her room with all janoskians posters and everything
"Oh gosh another one of you" he mumbled
"What did you just say" I shouted/whispered causing him too jump
"I said another one of you a crazed fan inlove with us" he said back harshly
"Whatever give me my phone back arse" she shouted causing everyone too look
Luke's pov:
She walked into the bathroom she was in ther for a good ten minutes
"Em are you alright" I quietly said tapping on the door
I heard sobbing and I yelp in pain
"Miss can you please help her she's stuck I think" I asked the flight attendant she was about to unlock the door when em walked out
"Are you alright" I asked
" You know what you don't know me and you don't know what I've been through I'm here for a fresh start a new life a new school and a new house on smith avenue ( random street name) so do me a favour ignore me for the flight please" I said he looked like he was about too cry but then he laughed
" You don't like at number 56 do you" he asked chuckling
"Yes why" I asked confused
"Cause I live next door" he chuckled

"Oh great have too live next door to a really sexy guy and his smoking hot brothers for the rest of my life I'm not happy" I said which cause Luke too laugh.

Sorry I'm a bit weird but it's my second fanfic and I want it too be good
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