X Chapter One x Serendipity X

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It wanted verification, and (Name) gave it.

What's next?

All of a sudden her surroundings went dark. She saw nothing. It's the last thing the (H/C) girl ever expected to happen.

'I just wanted to watch a video and now, a blackout? '

The girl thought and gave a small huff of annoyance as she unplugged the laptop from the power outlet. She got off her chair as a frustrated feeling welled up inside her-- it made her gut twist in an awful feeling. (Name) took deep breaths as she slowly stood up, carefully taking small paces and making sure not to knock anything over. The girl walked towards the door, remembering that it was closed shut, so she took the brass doorknob into her hands and turned it aggressively. Just when she was about to step out of the room, there was this certain glow from where her laptop was that made her turn back.

'What the actual fuck?'

The girl thought, making her footsteps stumble backwards.

'I am just hallucinating, right? Or maybe this is this a result of too much school? If it is I need to see a psychiatrist on a mental hospital.'

The mesmerizing colors that danced before her (E/C) orbs were accompanied by light, orchestral music that pleased her ears. It continued to grow brighter, and brighter as she was lured in closer. Her hand reached out to its main source and there was no turning back now. 
Her surroundings suddenly turned into pure white. '

'Huh. First, a blackout, then a room of white. What in the world is going on? '

She thought. (Name) walked a few paces then repeated as she realized that there was nothing in the room that she can interact with. No doors, windows, or even a small object inside. Just a plain room, painted in ivory with her placed in the center. "What?" Her small paces gradually turned into running. She realized that she was stuck in some kind of endless white void. She was already panicking until...

A small holographic keyboard and screen appeared in front of her. (Name) ran, approaching it, feeling relieved that there was at least one thing she can use to... possibly get out of here?



A loud, booming electronic voice echoed throughout the void. (Name) tried to open her mouth, but it seems like her voice had been rubbed out of her voice box.

'This must be the use of the hologram...'   her thought trailed off as she approached the keyboard and typed in her name.

(Y/N) (L/N)

The voice mocked (Name), the sarcasm really highlighted. And by the way the voice said 'Enjoy' it did not help her hopeless state right now. (Name) chewed on her lower lip to avoid her from getting more into trouble. Like what if she screamed or type in curse words that are directed to this... electronic. The girl might just end up somewhere alone, hungry and--
"Aaaahhhhh!!!" the girl screamed with all her might. She was falling down. How did she manage to end up here? Falling from nowhere?

There was this uncomfortable feeling inside of her. The horrible sensation when you fall is making it even worse. She was not facing down, but instead, facing up. Stretching her hand out, she hoped that there was something she could cling on to but no. Nothing came to her rescue. She could feel a chill running down her spine and an icy breeze flooded throughout her. A million questions started to build up in her mind. How can watching a video, lead up to this? Could this be (Name)’s end? Or is it the start of something new?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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