Chapter 2: Going to the movies with Adym

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Adym POV

"Hey Elizabeth I was thinking do you want to go to the movies with me?"

Elizabeth POv

"Ill love to go!"

Adym POV

"Cool pick you up at 8pm"

Elizabeth POV

"See you later! Omg I have to call Bethsaid"

Bethsaida POv

" Hey was up why are u crying?"

Elizabeth POV

"Adym Yorba ask my out!"

Bethsaida POV

"Wait as in Last_mann and Its ricco tho?!"

Elizabeth POV

"Yep we going to the movies I cant wait OMG his the best! I love him so much."


"OK OK calm down his a youtube/ a f***boy on BUT OMG I CANT BELIEVE U GOING TO THE MOVIES WITH ADYM  Alyxander  Yorba! Anyways I have to go tell me what happen on the date later ok?"

Elizabeth Pov

"Its not a date i dont think but ok talk to u later"

A/N:Sorry about the short Chapter I'm new at this so its will get better

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