Please Don't Leave Me

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Trigger warning: Rape

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September 12th, 2008.

Sitting in the empty motel room, the blonde rubbed her arm absent-mindedly. She had been left alone for a week, things going somewhat smoothly. With her demonic guardian off in Hell on a call from an old flame, Mara Sylvester was all by herself for the next week. Both her and Sasha felt that she was stable enough to handle two weeks alone. Oh how wrong they were...

Chocolate hues scanned the mobile device in front of her, running through texts. One way for the girl to make money and occupy her time was to perform séances for those who wanted it. What else is someone with a vivid connection to the veil supposed to do? Tonight she had one scheduled, the only one she had left until Sasha came back. With a deep sigh, Mara closed the flip phone and pressed the device to her forehead, whispering soft motivational phrases to herself. She hated doing these, because there were times that her hallucinations got in the way- and without Sasha there too keep them at bay, this was going to be rough.

"Can't move forward if you don't take a step, Sylvester..." With another sigh, she was out the door. Sure, Mara had a seeded ability of clairvoyance- but it hadn't sprouted just yet. How unlucky for her...

Public transportation was always a kick in the ass, Mara having always hated how close she was forced to sit next to others- especially in a city like Seattle. Ear bud inserted, she quietly hummed the tune to one of her favorite songs- Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones, definitely a classic. Mara wasn't sure when she first heard the song, but it had been a frequent on her mp3 player since, her fingers tapping against her jean clad thigh. She had only wished both ear buds worked, so she could ignore all the sounds of the bustling city.

Entering the downtown, Mara's eyes were glued to the message board, waiting for her stop to come up. She'd been on the bus for a half hour already, her shaking leg an obvious sign of how nervous she was. Though the soft sounds of a feminine voice caused an abrupt stop in Mara's train of thought. Her eyes wandered to the elderly female that sat next to her on the bus. The woman couldn't have been any taller than Mara- which wasn't anything impressive, as the girl only stood at about 5'2"- with curly brown hair and oddly vivid green eyes. For a moment, Mara got lost in the woman's features, the wrinkles on her face telling a thousand tales of a good life- which almost brought a smile to the blonde's timid expression.

"You look so beautiful, darling. I have a feeling you're going to be going to extraordinary places." This woman was far too sweet for this wretched place, Mara thought as she listened to her kind words. With them, the smile that had been ebbing at the edge of her mouth had blossomed.

"Oh, thank you miss that's very kind of you to say..." She responded softly, but the conversation was cut off by the halting of the bus- Mara's brown orbs shooting towards the message board. Lake City... she was finally at her stop. Standing, she lifted a tiny hand to wave at the woman- but her hand was grabbed with an oddly tight grip by her.

"Be careful out there, hon. It's a dangerous place."

The statement startled Mara, her eyes widening before the lady released her grip on her arm. Mara had pulled her hand away, idling rubbing it as she shuffled off of the bus. That was strange, needless to say- the only thoughts running through Mara's mind were about her guardian...

It had been a week since Sasha had gotten a call from some unnamed fellow down in Hell. As the demon had explained to Mara, this guy sounded like he meant a lot to Sasha. She spoke well of him, saying that he was her soulmate or something weird like that. Mara's only thoughts on the matter were "Demons can fall in love like that?"

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