Chapter Two

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"Aphrodite! Are you ready to go?" My father called out from the driveway.

"Coming now!" I answered back. "Mother! Let's go!" 

"Have you got everything? All the clothing you need? It's going to get cold soon, make sure you've got something warm to wear." My mother began to question.


"Oh! Have you got your phone? Money? Bed covers? Your pillow? You know you don't sleep well if it isn't your own." She continued to question.

"Mother, I've got everything. I'll be fine." I smiled to reassured her.

"You worry too much honey, she'll be fine!" Father added. "Now, we've got to go otherwise we'll be late." Father tapped on his watch.

"I'm just nervous, my little angel is going to university! She's never been independent before!" 

"Mother I'll be fine trust me! Plus Ava is going to be there, she'll look after me." 

After another minute of reassuring my mother that I wasn't going to die being independent, I placed my last suitcase of luggage into the boot of the car and we began the hour drive towards the university. 

"What a shame that Athena isn't coming along even though you're going university and you won't be home much, I don't understand that girl you know!" Mother began to rant in the front seat.

"It's probably going to be boring for Athena, she's got exams coming up so I'm sure its better for her to revise." I suggested.

"No, she said she's gone out to see her boyfriend! Can you believe it?! Choosing her boyfriend over sister! And I've never even met this guy!" 

"Mother let it go. Please" I plead and she sighed. 

After what happened on that day, I ran home crying and I didn't go back to school for the next week. My parents were so worried about me, then I decided to tell them about whats been happening in school, with all the bullying. I begged my parents to allow me to transfer to a all girls school, which I did. 

In my new school I decided to change, I chopped off waist-lengthened hair that I took so much time and care to grow. And I've kept it at shoulder length ever since. I decided to change my personality, I didn't want to become a easy victim so I tried to talk more but at first it was hard, I didn't know how to socialise. Then I met Ava, someone who's the complete opposite to me, she's out-going, loud and she saw pass my fake mask. To this day she's the closest friend I have.

Finally after the tiring hour drive, we finally arrived at the University campus. My father helped me unload my luggage from the boot and I went to check into my accommodation. 

"APHRO!" I heard this loud booming voice yelled out. Of course it belonged to Ava.  "You're finally here!" She ran up to me and gave me a big embrace.

"'re attracting attention..." I mumbled as I feel the gazes of other people. 

"It's fine! Attract more attention so we can meet more people! I've already got my eyes set on a few guys around here." She whispered to me secretly which made me giggle. "Hello Mr and Mrs Wilson!" She quickly greeted my parents.

"Hello Ava, we hope you can continue looking after Aphrodite for us." My dad requested.

"No problem Mr Wilson!" 

After Ava showed us the way to my room, my parents helped me carry my luggage in before saying our goodbyes and shortly after, they left. As soon as my parents left, I fell back onto my bed.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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