meeting the Chapman's

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After Beth took me shopping for some clothes,then we went to my new house.
I could feel myself starting to shake, I was so nervous I felt like a leaf.
I guess Beth sensed my nerves,she stoped at the opened door,"it's gonna be ok Terri, we understand that you work on your own pace. Were not going to push you into doing this if your not up for this."
I went up to the front door as Beth held it open for me. I felt like a shy,timid,tail tucked between her legs dog. But she understood and let me take my time to come in.
I took a deep breathe and stepped in the house this place was huge,I went into th one room Beth said I can make my own. This room was big enough to be anther house.
A week later,I started to feel a little safer around the guys,Beth became more of a mother figure to me. Dog and the crew were talking about anther guy so I leaned against the wall to listen.
Leland was sitting on the sofa looking though some papers. So I worked up the courage to go up and sit beside him, I wanted to listen to what they were saying, Plus Leland made me feel safe and protected. He looks at me shocked,but I could tell that he didn't want to scare me.
I'm jumpy around all the other guys,but there is something different about Leland.
I've been with the Chapman's for a month and I've quickly gotten close to Leland and Beth.
I'm still a little scared of the other guys. But they respect me.
"You wanna go with us to catch this guy Ter? You can ride with me." Leland asked gently.I looked at him and shook my head yes.
"Just watch her." dog replied
He nodded his reply back as I got and went outside for some fresh air before we headed out.
Over the month that I've been here, I've learned to trust Leland more. Me and Lisa became friends.
"Ter, you ready to go?" I nodded pulling on the sleeves of my hoodie.
On the way there I looked the window watching the beautiful view. I've been having nightmares and I can't sleep,I know I'm safe with these guys but these dreams just feel So real.
If I wasn't going with the guys to catch someone I didn't like to be buy myself but I understood that some cases were to dangerous for me to be out there.
We were on our way back home and I was trying to stay awake to watch the sites but the moment my head was on the headrest I passed out.
What seemed like a couple seconds later, I felt the car stop then I heard Beth and Leland talking.
I don't want to wake up so I just listen," are you sure it's ok? I know she don't like people touching her a lot." "leland, she trusts you. Your the only one that she trusts right now. Just pick her up gently that's all. I'll go get the door for you." she walked away
I heard the door open then I felt Leland undo my seatbelt a pick me up I put my head on his shoulder as he closed the car door.
I didnt want him to put me down,so I just clung to him like a small kid would, I was scared that my nightmares would come back.
He calms me down,he's like my comfort zone. " I have. Put you down Ter."
I might be half asleep but I decided to try my voice,"nope."
Leland stopped,"what was that ter?" he asked shocked,I shook my head no,"come on,I knew I just heard you speak." I nodded my head no again," ok fine. I'm not going to pressure you if you don't want to." he sighed as I felt him sit on the sofa.

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