Babysitter Hatake

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Kakashi arrives at 12am on the dot. "Hello Kakashi!" Minato says happily. "Hello Sensei. You know me, always on time! I brought Obito!" Kakashi says. "Okay, you can do anything you want, don't break anything, and he's in his cot sleeping so keep it quiet, bye." Minato says. "Bye." Kakashi says, getting out his book.

"Baaaaaiiii!" Obito says in a cheerful sing-song voice, and they leave. Obito turns on the TV. "Please turn it down, I'm trying to concentrate on the part of my book on how to give gay butt sex." Kakashi says, with a smirk. "#scaredforlife...." Obito says, and puts the volume down. "Wnnnaayyyaaah!" The baby fill the eora of the room. Kakashi enters the room.

"What's wrong?" Kakashi asks. The baby points to the ground through the bars of the cot. "Ah, you just dropped your dummy. I'll wash it. That's what Sensei told me to do." Kakashi says, and enters the kitchen. He looks at his phone. "Warm water and pat it down. Simple." Kakashi says.

He makes sure the water is warm, and he rinses the pacifier, and pats it down. "Come on, Kaka, the baby's getting impatient!" Obito yells, over Naruto's screaming. "Coming." Kakashi says, as he enters the room. "There ya go." He says, sliding the pacifier into the now happy baby Naruto's mouth. Kakashi lies him down, and kisses him on the forehead. He pulls the blanket over him, and he gives him his toy. and Naruto falls asleep as they gently close the door.



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