"My foot." I squealed out, barely audible.

He looked down and quickly stood up, apologizing repeatedly and then throwing Ian's bag across the room missing Chad by a few centimeters.

"Watch it, Jap cunt!" Chad shouted.

I breathed a sigh of relief and continued limping around the house as Ian showed us the rooms.

"So, there's only three rooms and five of us...which means sharing. Max and Chad can share and Joji and Y/N...um, who wants the couch?" Ian trailed off.

"Oi, wait. How come you get your own room, Twinkle Toes?" Chad asked Ian.

"My house, cunt. What'd ya say, Y/N? You good with the couch or do you want Joji on the couch? I know a good chiropractor just in case-" Ian said.

"What?" Joji interjected, "Why can't we share?"

"Y/N, are you cool with sharing with George? The couch isn't comfortable for sleeping...or sitting. You'll be okay, right?" Ian asked me.

I nodded, smiling. Joji and I walked up the stairs and into the room that was at the end of the hallway near no other door except for the closet and bathroom. Ian's house had two rooms downstairs, the basement, and a room full of junk where he tends to film his videos at the top of the steps. How convenient that we would be alone upstairs. Joji swung the door open and the sheets were all white along with the drapes and all the furniture.

"Ian has an eye for furniture." I said examining the entire room, "I call the right side of the bed."

"My right or your right?" Joji asked as he threw himself into the bed with his hands behind his head.

"Currently, my right is your left so I'll take my left...which is your right." I answered, reaching for my suitcase and opening it.

Joji's eyes were glued to me as I began taking out some things and shoving them into drawers.

Max poked his head into the room and said, "We're going out for burgers. Are you guys coming?"

"I'm actually kinda tired." I groaned, "And I want to put my stuff away so I don't feel so loaded."

Max chuckled, "Yeah, I feel you. We're just gonna go grab something to eat and then check out the venue to see what we're dealing with. Might even see some friends for a bit. I'll make sure Ian brings you back something. You coming George?"

"Nah. I might go out to the store to get some sleeping pills or something. I've been up for the past three days, I'm just gonna catch up on some sleep."

Max exchanged dialogue with Joji for a while longer before he said bye and went off with Ian and Chad. Hearing the front door shut and lock, Joji propped himself up on his elbows and continued watching me from my spot on the floor. I held some folded clothes in my hands and went to place them in a drawer.

"What's that?" Joji asked, squinting a little bit.

"My clothes, nosey." I answered.

He got up from his spot and appeared next to me. He lightly nudged me aside with his hip and rummaged messily through the folded pile. Before I could protest his actions, he said, "I just saw something very interesting and I need to see what it was."

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