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||Garroth POV||

"Garroth come on! Were gonna be late!" Zane shouts from behind my bedroom door, I sigh. I look over to my left to see that Laurence was no longer there.

But he had left a note. I pick it up and start reading:

Hey cutie, I have to get to school earlier than you so thats why I'm not here. See you in school.

I smile and get out of bed, grabbing my uniform from my closet and Opening the bedroom door.

Zane sighs. "Come Garroth lets- ew why are you naked!" He shrieks, I burst out laughing.

"Because sometimes I like to sleep without clothes.." I lie, Zane sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Just hurry up." He walks away, and I I nod, going into the bathroom to take a shower.

After doing that, I get dressed and we all walk out the house to get to the bus.


"Whats up weirdo's?" Aphmau greets, sitting down at the lunch table. Laurence sighs,

"Heya Aph." He responds, She smiles.

"So you guys coming to my sweet sixteen?" I nod, smiling.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn both say at the same time in unison.

"So Laurence, where were you last night? I kept trying to call you, but you never answered?" Cadenza asks, me and him break out into a light red blush.

"I-I uhm...-" Laurence stutters, but Vylad quickly cuts him off.

"Him and Garroth had sex." He casually says, EVERYONE SCREAMS.



"DID YOU RECORD IT?!" I scrunch up my nose.

"Why the fuck would you want him to record it Aphmau?" I ask her, she giggles.

"You wont understand- only fangirls understand." She replies, I shiver. She is a weird person.

I turn to Vylad. "H-How did you f-find out?" I ask, stutter spilling out my mouth.

"WAIT SO ITS TRUE?!" Cadenza shrieks, a giant smile across her face. Everyone was smiling to be honest.

I nod slowly, looking down and blushing. "I could hear you guys from my room. Your luck Zane left to Travis' house or else he would of recorded it." Vylad mentions, Zane chuckles.

Then Kawaii~Chan collapses on top of Katelyn, who also faints, falling off her seat and onto the floor. Blood spills from their noses and light red blushes dusts their cheeks.

"Poor fangirls. I'll drag them to the nurse." Aaron mutters. Dante just starts to laugh.

"Don't rape them Aaron." He says, everybody bursts out laughing.

"At least my family tree is normal." Aaron responds, Dante tilts his head in confusion.

"Your family tree is a cactus because everyone on it is a prick." Aaron says, before picking both girls up from the floors and racing them to the nurse.

Dante sits in shock as everyone else yells out. "OHHHHHHH!!!"

Vylad giggles, placing a kiss on Dante's cheek. "Woah woah wait- We are not done talking about Garrance here." Cadenza mentions, I sigh.

"Cad- I Don't want to talk about it." Laurence says, she shrugs.

"Don't care, never will. So? You guys dating or what? I mean- you cant have sex and NOT be dating!" He boasts, I shakily sigh and shake my head.

"NO?!!? LAURENCE WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IN FUCKING FUCKERS FOR FUCK SAKE!" Cadenza screams at him, his eyes widen.

"Cad calm down!" He yells at her, she sighs and sits down, giggling slightly. Everybody laughs at Cadenza's craziness besides me.

"Garroth! YOU AND LAURENCE HAVE TO DATE IF YOU ALREADY FUCKED!" She cheers, a bit too loud.

Kids from other tables look at us in shock. One kids stands up and walks over, along with two more kids.

"You and Laurence Zvhal has sex?"

"Holy shit for real?"

"Are you lying?"

Tears form at my eyes in embarrassment. "No they didn't go away." Cadenza snaps, clearly noticing my tears.

"What do you mean? Yeah they did!" Zane says, everybody shouts at Zane in panic and he quickly shuts up.

The three kids' jaw drops open and they laugh. "Damn son! High five!" One kid cheers, giving me a high five.

I stand up and grab my plate, throwing it in the trash and running out the cafeteria.

I was probably over reacting, but I Don't care. I am too embarrassed. I rush into the boys bathroom, next to the janitors closet, that no one uses. I sit at the corner of the room, sobbing into my knees.

The door creaks open and I hear a familiar beautiful voice say my name.


"What do you want Laurence..!" I hiss at him, wiping my tears. He walks into the bathroom and sighs when he see's me.

"Garroth...Don't cry.. please?" Laurence begs, sitting down in front of me and wrapping me in a hug.

"That was s-so e-embarrassing.." I whine, hugging him back tightly. He sighs and kisses my neck softly.

"I know. But it wouldn't be embarrassing at all if we were dating." He responds, my eyes shoot open wide and I gasp, leaning backwards, pulling away from the hug.

"D-Did you just-"

"Garroth will you be my boyfriend?"



balcony boy // garrance fanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat