Resemblance - an APS ch2

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Chapter 2

----benjamin POV -----

Focus, its just a simple request, what was I thinking, darn it..

Fresh air welcomed me as I opened the door of my very exquisite brand new jet black Jetta. I climbed down to have a better view of the new school, which I still oppose to come, but unfortunately this school impressed me not only because it looked different, old and welcoming, it also had a minimal rare fragrance that lured me into it.

"So, What do you think Benja?" A voice behind me asked, cheerful and enjoyable.

"Looks like the average high school, don't you think Marcelo?" I answered to Marcelo, the one and only trusty brother-like person I met, he is also very cheerful and gallant though he despises his asian looks, he adores his aqua eyes that make him look foreign in his own birthcountry.

"Come on Benja, maybe we can have fun now"

"Maybe, maybe not" I replied, a frown slowly build in my face.

We walked through the parking lot it was bigger than what I had expected but was diminutive in comparison to the humongous cafeteria they had, a purple panther was their mascot, gold and purple bathed the entire school.

"Hey Marcelo be useful, ask someone where are the counselors" I ordered.

"Baka" he said. Now he calls me stupid, Baka means stupid in Japanese, he uses that word since he doesn't like to be called vulgar and well there is a few people who actually understand the word. I kept looking through the cafeteria windows they were full of announcements. My eyes wandered looking for a clock, 8:27 am.

"Hey Benja this way" Marcelo waved his arm. I followed him, a petite sized girl with straight brown hair and athletic figure accompanied him. He turned around and winked at me, a snort built in my throat.

"Here we are" the petite sized girl said. Marcelo thanked her and I just nodded. She hadn't seen me coming behind; her eyes kept staring at me, something that I am used to now days.

"Excuse me, Ms..." I knocked the door and trailed off, I forgot to ask the name, darn it.

"Oh Ms. Flynn, How may I help you sweetie?" she asked, Ms. Flynn was in her mid-thirties, with long blonde hair and big green eyes, the typical American.

"We are new at the school ma'am, and well .. we want our schedules" I said

She kept staring at me, like trying to see something she couldn't. "Well, what are your names?" she asked after a minute or so.

"I am Benjamin Verastegui and he is Marcelo Decker" I told her, she typed our names and some other things I didn't want to know. After a while the printer made some noises and our schedules were out. "Ok, Mr. Decker you are a junior and this right here" she underlined a series of numbers "is your ID, you are going to use it either on the library or lunch time, and this is your first class, you have pre-calculus first period in room A-37, and uhm... you have the second lunch. Ok, now any questions?" she asked Marcelo.

"No, thanks" he said.

"Now Mr. Verastegui" she switched papers "you are a senior and this is your ID, you heard right now what you can do with it and uhm... you have Accounting 1 first period in room A-30, you also have second lunch, any questions?" I shook my head. "Good, now if you don't like your classes or have any questions concerning your schedule come to me, anything else sweeties?" She returned our schedules and gave us a hall pass since classes had already began.

"Hey Benja, lend me your schedule" I handed the schedule to him, he looked through it. "Look, we have third block, lunch and fourth block together, isn't that awesome" Marcelo said, a huge smile in his small face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2010 ⏰

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