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Josh looked upon the board, making sure the teacher saw he was paying attention. He really wasn't though, it was quite early for that.

"Class," began the short instructor "Today, we have a new student in the building."
She looked over at the doorway, as if she was awaiting someone. Her eyebrows furrowed into an unpleasant form, "Excuse me class, it seems like if the gentleman lost his way here." she grumbled as she dashed out the door.

The whole class snickered as she disappeared, and continued with their conversations. 
"So," laughed Dallon as he turned around to face the pink haired boy. "The new kid is a total nuisance for getting lost already."

"I guess so" cackled Brendon, who was beside Josh. "Or maybe he wanted to test the old hag."

"You think so?" inquired Josh. Brendon exchanged glances with Dallon. "Maybe."

"Who knows." butted in Patrick. Brendon turned around to tap his fedora. "I don't really care. As long as we're wasting time, it's all good."

At the mention of that word, everyone except Urie checked their wrists.

"1460 days left." smiled Josh. "you guys?"

"984." hissed Dallon. "Don't worry, my check's coming in this friday."

"Woah there, that's a lot of minutes wasted." snorted Patrick.

"I can try to guess what he's been wasting them on." snickered Brendon as he playfully punched Dallon on the shoulder. The boy just rolled his eyes.

"Restaurants and food, forehead." he sighed. "Everything's getting expensive. Last night I was charged 5 weeks for a taco bell order."

"Jesus." swore Josh quietly.

"I'm back," panted Ms.Moss. A tall, slender boy followed her distantly, hands in his pockets.

"Class, this is Tyler. Tyler is new to Ohio. Anything you'd like to say, Mr.Joseph?" she continued.

The brunette turned to face the class. His eyes scanned the room, peach lips forming a pout.

"I'm Tyler."

"No shit." whispered Brendon, trying to hold back a howl. Tyler looked upon the jet black haired boy eyes burning into him momentarily. A small smirk replaced the pout.

"And I have 5084 days on me. That's all" he said casually. The whole classroom stared, wide eyed. No one had so much time on them, especially at this age.

"Interesting." cut the teacher impatiently. "Tyler, why won't you take a seat next to Patrick? He's the one with the fedora in the back."

Avoiding eye contact with anyone, Tyler made his way to the back, head held up high. Josh started to fumble with the hem of his hoodie, uncertain of what to do. Tyler brushed past him, leaving behind his toxic scent as he sat in the seat behind the cotton candy haired boy.

Josh closed his eyes, breathing in the aroma. It smelled like something exquisite, not your typical axe spray. It was breathtaking.

"Ok students, open up your geography textbook to chapter 6 and copy down the essential question, we have a lot to cover." said Ms.Moss finally.

Josh looked at his wrist, looking at the faint green neon numbers tick by like a TV screen. 

This was going to be a long class.


"Patty cakes!" squealed Josh as he took a seat next to Patrick during lunch. Like always, the whole table was crowded, but Patrick would always save one spot for the pink haired boy.

"How's it going J?" asked Patrick once Josh sat down.

"Nothing much really. It's been the same thing over and over again. Everything seems pretty normal to me." he sighed.

"Actually," added Ashley, pointing at Josh with her fork. "It's been different with that new guy."

"I agree." nodded Melanie. "The guy sure has a weird aura around him."

"What makes you think that?" coughed Patrick.

"The dude has a massive amount of time on him. That's odd as hell." reasoned Ashley. "Too many for a junior if you ask me."

"Do you think he steals time from others?" whispered Troye in a hushed tone.

"He's got a reputation. No one moves mid-term just like that. I bet he takes away all the time from airheads." laughed Melanie. "Looks like the guy flirts with chicks and then takes the life out of them."

"Fuckboy type?" giggled Patrick. "i agree on that."

"He can't be that bad." argued Josh nonchalantly. He placed his half eaten sandwich down.
"He looks nice."

"Here we go again." sighed Ashley. "You're just too pure Josh."

"I say we're judging to quickly." he scoffed.

"You might want to rethink that.." spoke Troye as he pointed behind Josh. The whole table turned around to see what was going on. 

"Oh, a scene!" yelped Patrick.

Sure enough, under the shade of a tree, a sophomore was pinned to the trunk by an upperclassman.

"Is that.."

"Tyler?" finished Ashley, frowning. No one else was watching what was going on. Tyler held the boy to the trunk, demanding something from him. There was an argument between both of them. Finally, the boy held out a small device and held out his wrist. Victoriously, Tyler placed the time extraction device and pulled out 2 days from the sophomore's wrist. He shoved him into the tree, and walked away as if nothing happened, leaving the kid bitterly angry.

"Well, I guess this confirms him being an asshole?" gawked Troye.

Melanie along with Ashley dashed up to offer the boy help, leaving the boys shell shocked.

"Uh, Josh, what was that about giving Tyler a chance?"

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