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"Sam, get down here and meet our new neighbor." my mom shouts to me from downstairs. I roll my eyes and make my way downstairs, not attempting to look the least bit attractive.

I hit the last step and immediately regret my decision due to the beautifully structured face that stood before me.

My mom was turned around meaning she couldn't see me so I try to silently creep back upstairs before I was seen.

I failed.

"Finally, you look very...comfortable." my mom grimisses. She's pretty cool until she meets new people, then she turns into a perfectionists.

"I can't be comfortable in my home?" I spit, making her roll her eyes but she covers up her attitude with a fake smile.

"Sam, this Ethan. He just moved in next door and wanted to come say hi" she explains. I just smile and slightly wave at the very attractive man while he smiles back.

He has a foot on me which is normal and he also looks a bit older. Mid twenty's maybe? Either way, he caught my attention.

"Nice to meet you, Sam" Ethan said while holding his hand out for me to shake.

I was about to until my mom spoke up and 'accidentally' bumped into me causing me to move further away.

This is what she does. She finds an attractive looking guy and tries to seduce him and if they find any interest towards me she pushes me away until I get the hint.

Not saying that he found any interest towards me. I roll my eyes at her pettiness but manage to muster up a smile.

"How about you stay for dinner? I would love to get to know you better." the last part, I heard a hint of lust in her words making me cringe because she is turning thirty-nine this October and he looked younger than that.

Im only eighteen, so I keep to myself the rest of the night as we eat dinner seeing as the two talked about things I didn't care for. I found out that he was twenty-two and owned a magazine company.

At the end of the night my mom and starts to clean up with Ethan volunteering to help. I no longer felt wanted in the equation so I left to my room.

I finish some homework before getting ready for bed and before I lay down I walk over to my window. I began to close my curtains until I snag a peek of Ethan in the room across from my window.

What are the odds? A sexy older guy, way out of my league right across the window from mine.

I wanted to look away but something kept my feet glued to my position as I watched like some creep.

I should be ashamed.

Unfortunately, before he got completely naked, he went to close his curtains with his skin tight underwear hanging low on his body being the only piece of clothing left.

My breath hitched, almost making me choke on air when he looked up. He caught a quick glance of me before I dropped to the floor, hiding my face in embaressment. I mean, its dark and I was quick, he probably didn't even notice me staring.

I try to shrug it off and went to close my curtains again, crawling slowly back up the side of my window like an idiot. As I did I saw him standing in his window still, body on full display, smirking at me.

So he did see me.

And he liked it?

Before I could even think I quickly shut my curtains, covering my now red face from the embarrassment of what just happened. I slowly walked back to my bed, shameful thoughts lingering in my head as I do so.

I groaned before I drifted off to sleep, Ethan devouring my thoughts making it harder for me to sleep. I usually wake up on time for work but I decided to set an alarm because I knew I wouldn't be going to sleep anytime soon.


I woke up to a groggy morning with little to no sunshine and moist air surrounding me as I walk outside to my car.

I hop in and try to start it but it makes a weird noise and bucks. I try it again only to get the same result. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as this has never happened before then my body fills with worry.

My mom already left for work and I absolutely can not be late. I graduated early and my mom said that if I don't have a job I can't live in her house.

I punch my wheel constantly and rest my head against as I try to figure out a plan to get to work.

I don't know any bus hours.

I don't have anyone to call.

I can't walk because its too far.

So I decide to check out what's going on under the hood. I lean down and press the button that pops open my hood and I get out to investigate.

I lift it up and my face gets clouded with smoke. I cough and back away, fanning the smoke out of my face as well.

After it dies down I go to look then realize I know nothing about cars so I slam the hood shut.

I lean against it with my elbows and rest my face in my hands in utter defeat.

"Having car troubles?" a deep voice startles me making me kick my shin on the front of car. I groan out in pain as I reach down to hold it.

I feel his presence next to me as he spoke, "im so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you ok?" he stood there not knowing what to do im assuming.

I sat down on the ground and rolled up my pant leg seeing a red mark, soon to be bruise forming on my skin.

Ethan runs back into his house leaving me in a mental pile of a anger.

So you just scare people into hurting themselves and then leave.

My thoughts were cut short as I saw him come back with a towel with what im assuming to be ice in it.

He reached down to my level and slowly placed the ice pack on my leg as I hissed out in pain.

The coolness numbed the pain and soon it didn't even bother me. "Once again, I am so so sorry." he apologized making me giggle.

"Its fine, if im being completely honest im glad you're here." I stood up with the help of Ethan.

"And why is that?" he smirks.

"Because my car is acting up and I needed a ride to work before im late and my boss is a complete asshole."

"Where do you work?" he asked while releasing me from his grip.

"At the local bookstore" I tell him.

"Well looks like its your lucky day because that's where im heading. My office is down the street from there. Hop in." he gestures towards his car as I begin to walk slowly, not wanting to limp and look dumb.

"Thank you for this." I say as we get in the car.

"Its really no problem." he pulls off and into the empty roads.


I should be doing my homework but instead im doing this. Kms

Wuv u biscuits😘


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