Chapter Two

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"Miss Allen can you please put that book away. Your on my class." Our chemistry instructor sighed. I rolled my eyes at her before putting the book away. I exhaled, loud enough to get few pair of eyes on me before leaning on my chair. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I chanted on my head but the sensation was to much.
"I can't so this." I mumbled to myself.
"What was that Miss Allen?" I looked sharply at her.
"Nothing that concerned you or your damn lessons." I snapped. She just looked at me for a moment then nod her head.
"You can excuse yourself Miss Allen. Feel free to walk out the door." There wasn't any anger in her voice. Yet her face looked so sad that I almost believe her.
After zipping my bag closed I silently walked out the door. I felt bad for her not that I regret pulling that stunt on her class.
I don't need their pity. They won't understand me.
My odd behavoir already branded me freak in this school.
My older sister ignored me when we bump on each other in the campus and that hurts more than the entire school ignoring me.
I ran on the empty hallway not caring if I got caught by the principal.
I slipped into a small room, then climb the stairs two at a time. I reached the rooftop panting. I walk into a secluded area, my santuary. Then plopped down on the concrete cement. I haven't been here in a month. I take my time drinking the magneficent view in front of me before pulling out a old battered Diary. My diary. My bestfriend.
Then started writing everything that happend in last three weeks that I haven't been home. As I wrote every detail on my diary I can't help the audible sobs that erupted as I cried my heart out.

This is all my fault. He was still alive if I hadn't keep my mouth shut. I should have said something to prevent his death. I am so selfish for keeping it.

There was nothing to lose anymore.

I am just a shell from the past. Nothing more.

Why am I such a coward?
Hell, I can't even face a stray ghost. I instantly pale and faint.

The thought instantly put me into histerics. I laughed so hard like it was the last time I am going to laugh.

Then the face of my father flashed into my mind. The way he smiled at me when he saw me or the way his eyes twinkle if I make him more proud. The way he comfort me after a bad dream. I missed him so much.
But this time I did not cry. He did not die. He would not die as long as he is remembered.
My life might be a cursed one but then I did not live miserably that's because of my dad's love, my family even if my sister detested me.

"Shit!" I was startled when something drop on the floor. Then I heared someone cursed not so far away from where I am seated. I was hidden by a water tank so the intruder won't discover me or saw me listening.
"Ah!not again Adam will surely kill me this time." He muttered. Then I heared shuffling. Maybe his trying to fixed it -whatever the thing he drop was.
"Hey! Zach, did you find anything?" Someone shout not so far away. Then something drop again. And more curses followed. He must be Adam if Zach panicked just hearing his voice.
I chuckled then instantly covered my mouth. Idiot!
Way to go Lucy! Your really doing a good job at hiding! Might as will shout your name. A sarcastic part of my brain said.
Its not like she is snooping on purpose. It was pure accident.
The other part of my brain retorded.

Not far I heared a smacking sound.
"What the heck!?" Zach whined in protest.
"Oh! Don't be such a baby boy and get over it. You deserved it after all." It was Adam.
Someone mumbled in response I think it was Zach.
"How can we posibly find his child if you smashed our only hope of finding her." Adam said.
Wait- what!? They're kidnappers for pete's sake.
Yeah, call me paranoid and coward I really don't care. Then the thought stuck me again. There was kidnappers in my school and that means. One of the students in my school or the worst part was me -they are after. An audible gasp escape my lips. Fear washed over me. Drowning me into nothingness until I am gasping for air.
The only thing I heared before passing out was urgent footsteps coming my way. Someone shout in a panicked voice. And 911.

"She'll be alright Sir. She will be waking up soon." I think it was the school nurse.
Someone grunted in response. It seems annoyed.
Then the memory a moment ago hit me like a tsunami. It leave me frozen and cold with fear.
"She's awake!" Someone called. He sounds like Zach.
Yeah Zach the kidnapper. Why he was still here. They were supposed to escape. A gentle shake pulled me from hypervilenting again.
"Honey, why don't you try to open your eyes. It's okay no ones going to hurt you." It was the soothing motherly voice of our school nurse. My eyes reluctantly fluttered open. The first thing I saw was the worried look of Mrs. Simmons, our school nurse. Then someone snickered on the other side of the bed. I slowly turned my head. The boy gave me a boyish grin. This must be Zach. I thought to myself.
His to young to be a kidnapper. The other part of my brain commented.
But that doesn't mean he is not one. Remember do not judge a book by its cover. The other part of my brain retorted.
Realising this I sent an alarm look to Mrs. Simmons.
"It's okay hon. They will not going to hurt you" They?
Now I scaned every corner of the room. And here he was standing near the exit blocking my possible escape. He looked bored and more matured looking than Zach maybe by seven years I can not be sure. He must be the Adam.
"They are FBI agents. They are looking for someone in our town." I just nodded dumbly. I remembered one of them talking about a child. So they are not the kidnappers. I mused to myself. They're the good guys. I sigh in relief.
"I think we should go ma'am. We already wasted enough time here. Thank you Mrs. Simmons." I glanced up to Adam. He just gave me a pointed look.
Huh? What does he mean?
"Your welcome Agent Stewart."
"Thank you again Mrs. Simmons. We should go now." Zach said then offered me smile.
"Bye Lucy, see you around. Take care. Sorry if we scared you." He grimaced while looking guilty. Then he advanced to the door. He looked at me one last time and sent me a sheepish smile. I smiled back at him.

But we did not saw each other again.
No one reported missing so it's safe to say that they are the good guys.

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