The Mirror has two sides...........

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Depth of thought is valued very little, in a world of superficial narrow minded shallow fools. So little viewed and even less understood, open your eyes and explore the imagery you so often choose to ignore as usual.  Dreams considered to be accepted as the mind and body fatigued from worthless tasks and rituals of every day existence, are so easily explained away as understood.

You are condition from cradle to grave and follow a path walked by many before and after you, so where are you going and what happens when you get there. Perhaps, one day, you may stop and look in the mirror and think, which side of the mirror do I stand on. Are dreams reality or is reality a dream and you only awake when you are deep inside your dreams. 

Is death when you die, or is it when you begin to live reality and move into another level of existence. How can you hope to understand your world around you, when you don't even understand yourself and your direction of travel. Then again, who can teach you to understand your inner self but you, so the circle of existence continues to confuse and frustrate.

Can it be true, that you understand your life, ten minutes after it has expired, on the other hand, perhaps you can't die and just relive your life on many levels.  The Mirror has many sides............ 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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