Forever young beau brooks

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This is my first ever fan fic , sorry if it's not good but I'll try my best!

Today was finally the day , I was moving to the other side of the world I have always wanted to move to

and now I finally am!

I was all packed and ready to go. I wasn't going myself I was going with my mum and dad , I wasn't ready to move out just yet!

I was an only child so you could say I got anything I wanted.

We got to Heathrow airport and put our luggage in. There was a lot of teenage girls screaming , there must be a celebrity coming in or going out. Then 5 teenage boys walked ,through and all the girls were screaming and crying. I have saw them somewere

then it came to me they were the janoskians!! I wasn't really a big fan but I liked there videos they were really funny.

Eventually we boarded the plane and the janoskians were behind me, I got really nervous for some strange reason we'll it's not really strange cause the janoskians are sitting behind me!

Every now and then I would turn around and find one of them looking at me, I think his name was beau.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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