A Deal made with the Devil.

618 44 18

The tears slide down your face,

Silence fills this empty space.

Your eyes turn to coal,

You've given up your soul.

To the Devil, you've handed it to,

There's nothing left for me to do.

When morning falls, you'll be gone,

Like a hungry coyote and a fawn.

One glance, the evil eye,

They burn into your heart, and die.

I can't stand to watch this,

So I let myself fade away, into the foggy mist.

The claws grab for you,

They scratch and scrape too.

I sit and stare, as your body is dragged away.

The memory of you, merely a figure of my imagination.

You never existed.

You weren't real.

No, you were just a deal...

A deal made with the Devil.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2012 ⏰

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