Weird things i do.

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Hai there my fellow internet person! So, I've decided that this will be a chapter about weird things I do.

Here's my list!!!

1. Number/letter OCD

Ok,so this is one thing I always catch myself doing. I make sure that everything is an even number or if it's more,it's three. Like, on instagram someone commented a hashtag in my comments and I typed yess and it bothered me so I changed it to yesss. My phone also corrects it to YESSSS. 4 s'. yay!

2. Unnecessary comments.

I make unnecessary comments whilst talking to people. Or they're supposed be really sarcastic or something and it comes out sounding really stupid.

3. I'm a sarcastic asshole.

I am a very sarcastic,rude asshole whenever. We could be really happy and shit and then I'll piss you off in about .1 seconds and one of these days I'm gonna get I either a fight or in trouble,so yay me!

4. I don't like being touched.

Ok,this one pisses me the fuck off. Unnecessary touching bothers me really bad. The other day I yelled at this kid 'cause he poked my shoulder and yelled 'boo, I scared you!' and I yelled at him and said to not touch me, and he did it again. Then tried to say that it was Opposite Day and that I basically said to him to touch me.Later my friend Jenna said that they used to do Opposite Day on Wednesday not Friday and they don't do it anymore. Well that's not true because on Friday we wear pink!

Random ;DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora