" okay chill babe hint 1 : i am a good dancer , hint 2 : i love red and now green as well , hint 3 : i go to same grade and school as you , hint 4 : i take music classes , and since you know i am helping you this time more when you find me you have to stay in my house with me okay otherwise i will not tell you something which will make you find me this week or may tomorrow " i said and chuckled . 

" fine i will stay in your house and sleep in your bed now tell " she said really confidently . " okay as you know all 3 sections take music classes and dance classes together right ? " i said and she listened carefully and nodded 

" so shouldn't you find me in your music and dance classes and when you do kiss me " i said and she blushed because i whispered  kiss part in her ear , " f-fine just w-wait i w-will find y-you " she said and smiled angrily so damn hot 

" i will be waiting kitty " i said and stood up " bri....  um alex " she said and i looked at her ' was she about to say brick " i thought as i looked at her " sorry my tongue just slipped " she said and averted her eyes as i smiled and nodded at her 

" hey can you k-kiss me before you go " buttercup said while blushing and looking away from my eyes " sure why not i will kiss you as much as you want  " i said , i kept both my hands on her eyes and gave a small kiss on her lips .

but 1 kiss wasn't enough for me . i wrapped my arms on her waist and pulled her close as she wrapped her hands around my neck . so i licked her lips than bit it and kissed her more . i opened my eyes just to see her face as to how does she look and damn it was hot . as i was looking my eyes landed on Mitch and he was starring at her and me so i glared at him without breaking the kiss . 

after few seconds we broke the kiss cause we couldn't breath . i removed my arms around her and stood up when she pulled my shirt and stood up and hugged me tightly . " find me baby " i said and took off my favorite red jacket and made her wear it and she giggled and kissed my cheek .

the jacket was too big on her and she looked so cute . " i will definitely find you my mystery boyfriend " buttercup said as i chuckled and she kissed my cheek . i waved at her and she waved back and i went to the washroom and messaged butch to bring my bag .

' she almost called me brick , stupid girl you actually could have found me ' i thought while i took off my wig and lenses . after 3 minutes butch came i kept my stuff and changed my t-shirt than went to attend classes and i saw buttercup giggling the whole day which butch obviously found it weird .

TIME SKIP........

it was the last subject which is music and buttercup sat in front of me , she giggled with blossom and bubbles ' guess she told them ' i thought , when i saw Mitch approaching the girls table , " hey buttercup " he said and put his arm around her and she punched him 

" don't touch me i already belong to someone " she said which made me smile as to how much she have fallen for me " oh~ who is he " princess said in her annoying high pitch voice as she came next to Mitch " alexander my alex " she said really confidently .


" hey buttercup " Mitch said and put his arm around me and i punched him really hard , his voice used to be really attractive before but now NO " don't touch me i already belong to someone " i said angrily as i do and only he can touch me 

" oh ~ who is he " princess said as she came next to Mitch " alexander my alex " i said really confidently .  and Mitch and Princess started to laugh " oh is he the guy you cry everyday for ? " Princess said loudly and i looked at them sadly 

" maybe " i said whispering sadly  . " aww poor buttercup . he just kisses you and than doesn't return for months " Mitch said when i received a message and i smiled " alex " i said and looked here and there because he heard our talk that's why sent me this . he had sent me a photo of him and i showed the pic to blossom and bubbles as we 3 giggled together . 

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