616 29 0


Text convo.

Rn= random number


Rn : Jamie hurry the fuck up

Me : exuse me

Rn : omg I'm so sorry I got the wrong number

Me : that's okay my names tanner hbu?

Rn : Izzy

Me : nice to meet you Izzy

Izzy : nice to meet you tanner. Where abouts do you live?

Me : San Diego

Izzy : I live there too. I live next door to the Funk bros they like me homies.

Me : they're my best mates.

Izzy : nice maybe we could meet sometime?

Me : yh that would be cool I guess. How old are you?

Izzy : 17

Me : no way... me too.

Izzy : haha yh fam when you free?

Me : anytime

Izzy : tomorrow at twelve? I'm filming with the Funk bros I can ask if you can tag along, what's your second name?

Me : Fox

Izzy : omg I love your vids

Me : Thank you!

Izzy : see you tomorrow bye!

Me : bye!

SORRY WRONG NUMBER // TANNER FOXWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu