A New Place

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I woke up on the shore of a place that looked unfamiliar. I think that it is an island because we were taking a trip in the Caribbeans. I try to reach some memories but the only thing that I could remember that might of had some importants is thememory of getting a last look over sea before going inside and thinking that a storm is coming. I ponder the question of were I am but a thought pops into my head my 'family where are they' I get up to look for my mom and dad.

Wandering around proves unfruitful results until that is that I come across an escape boot that did not escape the storm. Maybe that was the one that I was on with my family and some other people too because when we did the drill there was another family with us. To tell you the truth I have no clue how I got so far away from the beat up thing thought i might have to do with the storm.

Authors Notes

This is still a work in progress but i still want people to proved feed back on what I write

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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