Semi: Bye.

Eita Semi has logged off.

Ohira: Dang. I'll go off to give him the spray, then.

Ohira: Remember that we don't have morning practice today so just go straight to breakfast, instead.

Goshiki: Hehehe. Semi-san seems like he would make a good boyfriend.

Tendou: Ehehehe Tsutomu, are you interested in having a boyfriend?

Tendou: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Wakatoshi Ushijima is typing...

Goshiki: !!!

Tsutomu Goshiki has sent a crying sticker!

Goshiki: Why must you say that  Tendou-san?

Goshiki: ╥﹏╥

Tendou: Everyone! Tsutomu wants to date someone! Do we have a volunteer?
Seen by Goshiki and Reon. 06.43am.


Kenjirou Shirabu is typing...

Shirabu: Wow.

Tendou: And we have a volunteer!!

Goshiki: ???????

Tendou: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Shirabu: Tendou-san, why would I date someone like that coconut?

Tsutomu Goshiki has sent a pissed sticker!

Goshiki: What do you mean, what's wrong with someone like me?!

Satori Tendou has sent a shocked sticker!

Kenjirou Shirabu is typing...

Goshiki: I'm an awesome person!!!

Goshiki: And I'm cute!

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