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Summer POV
when we got to the classroom it was time to rock out then I just realize Tamika was not in class. I said " guys where is Tameka". Then Zach said" Tamika called me and she said that she cant come to school today she has the flu and she will be out for 3 days." I said "ok but who is going to be the lead singer for three days." Then Freddy said" how you sing". "But I can't" I said. "But I'll try".

"Well you could sing" everyone said.
Mr. Finn said "you are an awesome singer sum." How about you sing another song but we all will play this time which song. I said "mrs. Potato Head." Mr. Finn said okay Freddy count us in." Freddy said "okay 1 2 3."

Freddy said amazing summer you are amazing singer." I blushed and said "thx Freddy"

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