"What?" I asked confused.

"Okay, thanks! Bye!" She said before I could say anything else.

I sighed wanting to sulk more but didn't want to upset Caitlin and got up going back to Star Labs. I walked into the front door and found her dressed in a beautiful wedding dress. "Oh my god, you look gorgeous!"

"Thanks," she smiled, "I don't have many girl friends and we've gotten very close and I hoped that you'd be my bridesmaid."

"What? Of course! I could have at least dressed up some," I rambled as she put her hands on mine.

"Sadie, it's fine. Thank you," she smiled.

Caitlin told me to go wait with the others outside and I dreaded it knowing Barry would be out there but this wasn't about me or him, it was about Caitlin and Ronnie. Cisco and Barry were standing on Ronnie's side and Professor Stein was officiating. I stood on the opposite side of the men as we waited for Caitlin. Joe, Eddie and Iris stood in front of us holding hands which I'm guessing they had made up.

"Is this actually binding?" Ronnie asked Stein.

"My father made me become a rabbi before he would send me to MIT," he answered, "THis will be "legit" as the kids say."

"No kids say that," Ronnie answered.

"Let's not fight on our wedding day," he grinned before Caitlin walked out to us. "If it's alright with everyone, I'd like to skip all the Hebrew. I've learned a lot about merging one's life with another this past year. Yet, for all the incredible advancements in science we've all been party to, the mystery that brings two people together through live is still the province of magic."

I glanced towards Barry who was already looking at me and didn't break gaze when I looked.

"Mr. Ramon, the rings," Stein asked as Caitlin handed me her bouquet and they exchanged rings.

"I owe you a real ring," Ronnie told her.

"I don't need one. I have everything and everyone that I could ever need right here," she smiled at all of us, "And if all of the events of the past year have led us to this moment, it was worth it. I love you, Ronnie."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Stein answered, "You may kiss the bride."

We all clapped and cheered as they kissed. I knew I had said that this wasn't about me but I couldn't help but think about how I would never get to experience a wedding for myself. But if mine was anything like Caitlin and Ronnie's and their relationship I'd be happy. We shared some champagne after the wedding and a few hours later everyone gathered to say goodbye to Barry before he'd go back in time.

"There are gonna be three yous back there, the you from the future who saved younger you from the Reverse Flash and now you. Remember, wait until future you gets younger you out of there, and then you can go and save your mom," Cisco informed him.

"Piece of cake," Barry nodded.

"May the Speed Force be with you," he said before nodding.

Barry hugged Joe next then Caitlin and Iris. They all left one by one but I couldn't leave as it was just me and him.

"Sadie," Barry started before I rushed towards him.

"I love you," I blurted before kissing him, "And I'm sorry."

"I love you too and for what?" He asked but before I could answer the particle accelerator door opened and he had to leave.

Barry walked into the particle accelerator and the door closed behind him. I went back to the cortex where everyone was watching.

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