I studied the halls, the streets and building names, each door and some of the names on them.

"Do you have your access card?"

"Yeah it's right here." I pull the small plastic card out of my back pocket and hand it to him.

"Jordyn, cute name." He smiles at me before sticking the card into the slot to be checked.

"Thanks." I slightly blush and hear him laugh at me. A small buzzing sound came from the machine and I heard my door unlock.

"You'll get your keys tomorrow at the admissions office. You probably don't have class yet because you're a freshman, so maybe after mine are done I could come back here and we could grab a coffee or something? I could show you where your classes are."

"That sounds good."

"Alright, just try not to go out when it's completely dark, don't get into anything just yet, and stay away from that guy okay?"

"Yeah, I'll try not to do anything stupid." I jokingly smile at him.

"I'm not allowed in your room, so goodnight." He quickly hugs me before starting to walk away.

"Wait! I never got your name."

"Liam." He smiles before winking at me and walking away.

I pushed my bags into the room and found my roommates stuff scattered on her side, her bed empty and the light off. Instead of unpacking I got settled and went on my phone a bit before falling asleep. I had a good feeling about tomorrow and I couldn't wait for it to happen.

I wake up in the morning and see the back of my roommate. There's black high heels and makeup scattered on the floor at the foot of her bed. She's dressed in a really short, skin tight, dark navy blue dress and her hair is straightened pin straight. At first glance of her outfit I could tell she was at a party, and I knew she was hammered.

Her phone lights up on the table beside her.

'Classes in an hour'

I knew her phone was on silent, and she didn't move one inch. She looked freezing, and extremely hungover, even in her sleep. Since I didn't know where her classes were, I didn't know whether I should've woken he up or not, and I decided on doing it.

Quietly stepping closer to her, I gently shook her by her shoulders. She groaned and stuffed her face into her pillow, after I shook her another time she finally pushed her self up.

"Do I know you?" She rudely glared at me as she stood, placing her hand over her forehead.

"I'm your roommate." I spit back at her, grabbing clothes to change into after my shower.

"And why'd you wake me up?"

"Your phone went off, but you didn't move. I figured I should wake you up instead of you miss your classes. Guess I made a mistake, but trust me, it won't happen again." And with that I walked into the joined bathroom that was connected with the dorm beside ours.

Turning and locking both doors, I hop into one of the double showers. After a half hour, I decided to get out and changed into my normal clothes, unlocking the doors after I was done. The door to the other room swings open while I'm brushing my hair.

"Was that you singing?"

"Uh, no."

"Yes, it was, you're the only one in here. That was really good."

"Um, tha-"

"Hey, you got someone buzzing in for you down stairs." My obnoxious roommate pulls the door open and tells me. I turn and send a small wave to the girl I was previously talking to before gathering my things and walking back into the room.

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