Chapter 8-almost kisses and omg alice

Start from the beginning

"Charlie" she takes off and see Jake in wolf form ahead of her she gets to a clearing to see Jake knock Victoria off Harry Clearwater and run off followed by the wolves, she about to ran when she hears Harry's heart making a different sound to normal and see him grab his arm, she runs down to him as Charlie run back down

"Faith what you doing here what wrong with him"

"Charlie call a ambulance he having a heart attack" he nodded and run to the car to call for help

"Why" Harry managers to get out

"Because I wont let anyone die not on my watch...breath" suddenly he goes limb and his heart stops

"No Harry no" Faith begins to do resuscitation

"Your not dieing old have a wife and kids" she continues

"Come on Harry" she continues

"WAKE UP" she scream has Charlie comes back

"He's gone kid he's gone" Charlie grabbed her pulling her away, everything became a haze the pain in her arm grew and she lost someone on her watch she wanted Carlisle she wanted Alice most of all she wanted Emmett. Charlie got her in his car and drove her to Emily's. When she got there she was broken out of her trance by and warm body hugging her.

"Faith are you ok" she looked to see a concerned Paul

"Yes. Yes I am ok" he lifted her sleeve to see the crack in her arm

"Your arm" he touched it and she hissed slightly

"It will heal"

"What happened out there you could have been killed"

"I found her scent I followed"

"Well be more careful Faith" Sam came in and looked rather sad and angry at the same time

" Faith are you good" she nodded and felt Paul hold her hand

" Charlie told me you tried to save Harry Thank you"

"He was innocent...I tried I just I couldn't save him"

Sam smiled sadly

"You tried its all we ask"

"Where is Jake"

"Still following the red head" she nodded

"Come sit down faith" Paul pulled her to the couch

"Paul why isn't he here, why has he not wrote I don't understand" Paul was caught of guard by these questions and sat next to her putting his arm around her and pulling her close and she leant her head on his shoulders

" I don't know Faith but I can say one thing what ever you need I do my best to help"

"You know you two are a lot alike in some ways" Paul looked confused

"You both think no one is has tough has you, your both scary looking but really are big old teddy bears or wolf in your case, your caring, loving and kind and you both want what is best for me" she kissed his cheek and lent back on his shoulder

" There is one difference faith" he lifted her chin up and looked into her eyes

"What" Faith would have blushed if she could, she knew she shouldn't being doing this but there was pull between them that she couldn't ignore.

"You're my imprint I could never hurt you ever"

"What's an imprint?"

"A shape-shifter like me imprints on the person that being you he's bound to the moment he sees her. It is described as being pulled toward that person, while a glowing heat fills him, the connection with everything else is severed, and only the imprintee is left to matter, leaving the shape-shifter with a deep need to provide the imprintee anything she needs or wants. If an imprintee is killed, the imprinter will never be able to forget or forgive. If the killer happens to be another pack member, there would be no other choice than to fight to the death. Therefore, the most important law among the La Push shape-shifters is that no wolf may kill or harm a fellow wolf's imprintee." Faith looked a him and smiled

"That is why they didn't kill me" Paul nodded and grabbed both her hands

"I will be what ever you need Faith and I will never hurt you not like he has"

"Paul I am married to him I have been with him for a long time now" she looked down

"But he left you Faith I see the pain in your eyes when he is mentioned or when someone is being loving, I would never do hurt you or leave you" Faith for a second thought her heart had beated and her cheek blush but she knew that couldn't happen, Paul made her feel again after a while of putting Bella first she forgot how to feel she knew she loved Emmett but something about Paul made her feel for him too.

"You're a great person Paul" they both smiled at each other and Paul leant forward has did Faith has there faces got closer and closer there lips where about to touch when suddenly Faith phone rang and Paul growled making her laugh.

"It's Bella...Hello...yes I am at Emily's why...what do you mean...she is I am coming"

"What is it?" Faith stood followed by Paul

" Alice had a venison Bella had killed herself jumping of the cliff and Alice is at Bella I have to go "

" careful" she smiled and hugged him tightly

"You too Paul" she ran out the house all the way to Bella to see Alice standing out side with Bella and Jake. When Alice saw her she smiled until Faith shook her head.

"Why do you smell like dog?"

"Long story why haven't any of you called or written"

"Long story" Faith shook her head then looked at Jake

"Its ok Jake if we need you I will call Paul" Jake nods looked rather pissed and run into the woods. The 3 girls walk into the house.

"Where is Edward?"

"He has been away" Alice looked down

"How is Emmett" Faith dared to ask

"He has been ok not is normal loud self but ok" Faith scoffed

"Faith we know you're mad we said we would write"

"Wait you have been in contact with them the whole time" Bella blew up

"They said they would call and write but they haven't... I wrote to them a couple of times but nothing" Bella instantly calmed down and nodded

"Bella go to bed you have had a long day" Bella just nodded and walked up stairs

"Why do you smell like dog?" Faith laughed and walked upstairs'

"When you answer me I will answer you"

AN: hello lovelies please review

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