"You want some milk?" she asked pouring the warm milk into a tall glass.

"No. Thanks."

She nodded and took her glass in her hand and started gulping it down. She drank half of the content in the glass and worriedly looked up at her husband.


"I don't think I can manage to push anymore down my throat." She said fearfully.

"It's okay. Leave it. Let's go to bed." He took the glass from her and put it in the sink. She heaved a sigh of relief and rushed to the bedroom.


It was around three in the morning when Rishab woke up to the sound coming from the bathroom.

He could hear Madhu gagging and groaning in there so he rushed to the bathroom.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked kneeling down beside her near the toilet grabbing her hair away from her face as puked her gut out.

With shaking hand she covered her mouth as she saw streak of blood along with vomit. Rishab noticed the streak of blood and quickly flushed the toilet.

"You done?" he asked softly, rubbing her back. She retched up a thin stream of vomit before her stomach settles down.

"I'm done" she breathed clutching his shirt sleeve. He flushed again and helped her up and let her clean her mouth and hands.

She stood in front of the sink brushing her teeth as she stared her image at the mirror. She looked horrible.

"You leave." She snapped getting irritated with him gawking her.

"Stop snapping at me woman! I am trying to help you."

"I don't need your help. Just leave me alone." She said once she rinsed her mouth. But still he stood there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You are going to stand here and watch me pee?" she asked through gritted teeth. She couldn't fathom why she was mad at him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Rishab, please, I can't deal with you now. I'm tired. Please go."

"What you are worried about?" he asked her softly as if he was talking to a child, cupping her face.

"Two things" she confessed.

"What are they?"

"One - the blood in the vomit."

"That's it!" he smiled fondly and kissed her forehead. "Look, you haven't eaten anything. Your stomach has nothing to mix with the stomach acid so it came up. Oh and It can burn your throat causing it to bleed."

"It's nothing serious?" she asked incredulously.

"Streak of blood is normal due to the lining of esophagus being irritated. We should worry when you cough blood or vomit blood excessively but still I will take you a doctor to make sure you are perfectly healthy and nothing to worry concerning this matter."

She hugged him and kissed his neck. "Thank you for putting me at ease. I got panicked."

"Yeah, I know. I can see that from your face." He said and tipped her chin up to meet her eyes.

"Always share things with me, Madhu be the issue big or small. Don't keep it with yourself and worry till you keel over. It's not good for you. Now coming to your second reason for worrying?"

"Two - Um... Your sleep. Last night you had to wake up in the middle of your sleep because of my panic attack and again today you..." she stopped when he roared with laughter.

Book I - Husband, I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now