A Series Of Unfortunate Events

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Meet 27 year old Jennifer "Jenni" Karling. A blonde with big dreams and no money. Living with her parents and all her younger siblings, you'd be surprised how fast bad, can go to way, way, worse.

Rolling up a little more under my blankets, my nose brushes something furry. My eyes snap open, met immediately with an old, dis colored, ratty, matted, Micky mouse plush wearing Uncle Sam's hat.

Screaming, I scramble back, and promptly fall to the very hard floor. For a moment, I just lay there on my back, breathing heavily. Where, the heck, did that come from? Maybe... maybe Cami put it there. The child does have a thing for dolls, it honestly boarders on obsession.

"Jemmi!" Speak of the devil. I don't bother to correct her, she's only 3 after all.

"Yes Cami?" I inquire, still on the floor. She walks in, a baby doll tucked under each arm, wispy white curls framing her face like a halo.

"I can' fine Suffy." She coos, her words rounded innocently.

"Suffy's on my bed." I groan, picking myself out of the tangle of blankets and trudging to the bathroom. I can already tell this will be a bad day.


"Jared!" I growl under my breath. How is it that Cami can sing the alphabet forwards and backwards seamlessly, but her twin can't even aim for the toilet properly? Looks like I'll be needing a shower. Sorry boss, I'm gonna be a bit late... -er than usual.


Ok. Snow, wet hair. Not a good combination. And, to top it all off, the heater in my car is broken. But hey, I have hot coffee. And now the hot coffee is on my pants.

Swerving to the side of the road, a string of curses spew from my mouth. I learned years ago that I'm quite prone to accidents, so I always keep an extra pair of clothes in my trunk. As I open the door, a semi rushes past, something being flung from the window. Rolling my eyes at the litterbug, I step out, onto something that squelches.

The pink goo sticks to my sneaker. Bubble gum. Ew.

"Could this day get any worse?" I whimper to the sky, as another car speeds down the highway, splashing me with grey sludge. And making me realize that I really have to go to the bathroom.


"Tara?" I ask voice mail. "Tara I lost my job. What do I do? Oh man. Oh my parents are gonna kill me. I n-" my voice cuts off in shock. Tara's there, just around the corner from my work. Making out with my ex.

My ex as of yesterday.

What do I do? I do what any rational coward would do; run, spitting a few choice words into the phone as a do.

Slowing for a breather, I kick a tree planted by the sidewalk. In retaliation, it dumps a pile of snow on my head. Wonderful.

Fishing round my backpack for a granola bar, I discoverer something: this is Sabrina's school bag, seeing as I'm pretty sure I got out of middle school a good while ago. Great, I'm hungry now.

Feeling pretty cruddy (I think I have a right to at this point), I pull my phone out and call my closest older brother, Tony. He picks up on the second to last ring.

"Jenni? What's up?"

"Hey Tony." I sniff.

"What happened?" He asks, instantly picking up on my pre-tears sniffles.

Going into great (and rather emotional) detail, I tell him everything, from the bruises I got first thing, to being fired. Nothing goes unsaid. When I got to the part about Tara and my ex, I could've sworn he actually growled, but by that point I was so angry he could have hung up and I doubt I would have noticed. But he wouldn't, and he didn't. Thank goodness for brothers.

The recount of my day took about 7 times longer than it should have because afterwards I just ranted to him. About everything. And he let me.

"Don't worry 'bout it." His words stun me.

"What? I just had the worst day, and you want me to just... Forget it?"

"That's not what I said. Look, life sucks. There is nothing you can do about that.  So, I'm not saying forget, I'm saying don't worry, because everything will be just fine. Tell you what, I'll give you the crash course on my week and let you laugh at me all you want. Sound good?"

"Yeah. Thanks Tony. You're the best."

"I am pretty great aren't I?"

"Don't ruin the moment. Now, how crappy was your week?"

"Well... Let's start with right now. So..."

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