Finding out

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"Madonna Contessina is gone." Marco Bello announced to the family that was gathered around the table.
Cosimo was finally back from Rome and he and Lorenzo were trying to start fresh.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Cosimo asked simply while taking a sip of his wine.
"She told me she would go pray at Santa Maria Novella and come right back but it's been hours, Cosimo. ****!" His loyal friend cursed out loud regretting his decision to not follow her.
Cosimo slammed both of his palms on the table and stood up alarmed.
"I trusted you my family and now you tell me that you have no idea where my wife is?!" Cosimo laughed bitterly.
"If something happens to her, I..." He started with a threatening voice.
"Messer Medici! Sorry for interrupting your meal." A servant came closer to hand him over a sealed letter.
"That is my family's seal." Cosimo exclaimed and ripped it open.
He started reading quietly:


I really want to apologize for leaving you like this. I know you did everything in your power to save Florence, our family and Christianity.
I've always admired your mind and your capability of inspiring others.
I have absolute faith that you will make our Republic great. However, I cannot be by your side. Not after finding out that you lied to me about your father's death, your affair with the slave and the order of Rinaldo and Ormanno Albizzi's deaths. Not after finding out that your mistress is going to bear your child.
It is obvious that you do not need me anymore, in reality you never did. I was just the woman you married without consent while being in love with someone else. As much as it pains me I know you never loved me, Cosimo. By leaving I am saving myself and my pride, which is all I have left.
Take care of Piero, Lucrezia and Lorenzo.

Farewell, my love."

Swallowing a lump at his throat, Cosimo turned away and whispered: "She left me."
"Contessina left." He repeated the last sentence louder for everyone to hear.

"What? That is not possible!" Lucrezia started and called out the servants one by one.
"I don't know anything Maddona Lucrezia, I swear on my life." Emilia claimed, scared of her lady's departure.
"I will find mother myself and bring her back." Piero stated decided.
"I will come with you." Lorenzo tapped his back in an attempt to calm him.
"No one will do a thing. Is that understood?" Cosimo said suddenly making everyone turn to look at him. "If she desires to leave this family and her duties it is her own choice but I will not tolerate this behavior from any of you."
"But father-" Piero interrupted.
"Do not interrupt me. I forbid you to look for her. Whoever leaves this family, it does not matter for what reason, will pay the consequences. Your mother should have known better, Piero." Cosimo stated with a coldness in his eyes that nobody has seen before.


Passing outside Contessina's chambers to head to his own, Cosimo took a look at the closed door.
Checking if anyone was around he then opened the door of his wife's chambers quietly and slipped inside.

He looked around the empty room that has been full with Contessina's presence for twenty years now.
Suddenly, his eyes caught up something shiny by the window. When he got closer he recognized the cross necklace that Contessina used to wear every day and night. The valuable present that he had given her after he laid eyes on a newborn Piero to thank her.

Reaching up to touch it, he breathed: "Ah, Contessina..." And brought it close to his heart.


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