Got Tagged! Once again! X3

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I was tagged by PetuniaFanfic to do this so thanks and yeah x3

1. Favourite colour?
Blue x3

2. Otp?
Gosh I have so many XD um I guess Viktor X Yuri x3

3. Sexuality?
Straight x3

4. Last time you cried and why?
The last time I cried was when I had depressing thoughts going through my head late at night and I don't know why x3

5. First best friend?
My first best friend doesn't have any social media so yeah x3

6. Third picture in your camera roll?
Can't show you the pic because it's embarrassing but it's me when I was younger x3

7. Favourite movie?
Okay I got it now my fav movie is the Wind rises cause that movie made me cry x3

8. Single or taken?
Single x3

9. Pets?
Two birds named jimmy and dodger x3

10. Favourite show?
Yuri on ice! X3

Let's tag!
kawaiikat7 (I know she already tagged you but imma tag you too x3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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