Chapter 1

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I look at the girl with the bushy brown hair and smile. Her know it all personality is so cute! I think I might like her. Shes really pretty. Right now we are just waiting to be sorted. I know I'll be in Slytherin. I really hope she is too. "Draco Malfoy," i say walking over to her and holding out a hand. "Hermione Granger," she says in her cute know it all tone shaking my hand. We talk for q little while, but i notice she doesn't seen to understand a lot of what I'm saying. "You are a pureblood right?" I ask her. "Um i dont know what that means," she said. "Are your parents wizards?" I asked nervously. What if i was communicating with a mudblood?! "Actually, neither of them have magic. They were really proud when i got my letter," she answered.

I felt my heart fall. Why did she have to be a mudblood? My parents would never forgive me for talking to her! I sneered, "oh your one of them. I dont think people like you belong in this school," I said disgusted that I had even touched her hand. She looked upset and ran away from me.

I wanted to say sorry, but we were brought into the Great Hall to be sorted. The Great Hall was even cooler than I thought it would be. I kept it hidden though because my parents thought this place was beneath me so I had to think that too. I waited for my turn to be sorted watching the others take their turns. "Granger, Hermione!" McGonagall called out. I leaned forward listening closely hoping she would be a Slytherin by some small miracle. "Gryffindor!" The hat called out and I sighed.

Finally, my name was called. Secretly, I hoped the hat wouldn't call out Slytherin for me. Secretly, I wanted to be a Gryffindor with Granger but I would never admit that. As soon as the hat touched my head, it yelled, "Slytherin!" I inwardly groaned but put on a fake smile and walked twords the Slytherin table.

I would be the king of this school someday. As soon as I made it over to the Slytherin table, everyone was already practically worshiping me. They are scared of my father. That can easily be used to my advantage. Having a powerful rich father can come in handy sometimes. Crabbe and Goyles parents knew my dad so they have decided to become my personal body guards. Not that I'm complaining. With those two by my side, I'll be unstoppable. Even Potter wont try to stop me. Potter already drives me nuts. Honestly, I kind of wish the dark lord killed him as a baby.

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