|Baby Seriesl Preference •3• Planning The Baby Shower

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You bought two giant baskets filled with baby stuff "Malak we won't even know what we're having for two more months" you laughed.

"Which is why I bought a girl basket and boy duh Y/n" he said "but what are you gonna do with the one we won't need? We don't know anyone else having a kid River and Jaden are still in there honeymoon faze" you said.

"Maybe we will need both" he shrugged.

"Woah ,woah,woah if you got me pregnant with two kids I'm liking you I won't mind my kids growing up without a father because I killed them" you said.

"You won't know till two months from now" he winked with a smirk.

"Yeah by then your fate will have already been sealed" you said looking down at your magazine.
Jalen:"Now that we got the room set up" Jalen said walking next to you while you hung a picture of a baby elephant up on the wall, "planning the baby shower" you said smiling with the hands on your hips.

You hadn't painted the walls yet cause you didn't know what you were having and you wouldn't for another 3 months.

"Like the guests,invitations-" you cut him off "and where we having it" you finished.

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