Growing Up, A Tragedy, and a Ball

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Hi everyone. New part time. Gonna make this quick. I don't own diabolik lovers only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

As the years passed the siblings didn't understand why their elder sister wasn't playing with them anymore.

One day it began snowing outside. Sumiko went up and knocked on her eldest sister's door in a rhythmic pattern.
" Rin. Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go and play. I never see you anymore. Come out the door. It's like you've gone away. We used to be best buddies. And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why. Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman." A voice came through the door.
"Go away Sumiko."
" Okay bye."

Sumiko went away sadly and went outside to where her other siblings were waiting. She shook her head letting them know she hadn't been successful.

In the room the eldest sister sat by the window looking at her siblings playing happily. Rin touched the windowsill and it froze over. She freaked out and backed away. Her father came in and gave her gloves.
" The gloves will help. See. Conceal it."
"Don't feel it." Rin said. Then the two spoke together.
" Don't let it show."

A few years later Kotone excitedly knocked on her eldest sister's door in a rhythmic pattern. The children were now young teenagers.
" Do you wanna build a snowman? Or ride our bikes around the halls? I think some company is overdue. I've started talking to the pictures on the walls." She ran around a room and flipped onto the couch.
" Hang in there Joan." She said to the picture. Then she ran and fell down near a clock.
" It gets a little lonely. All these empty rooms. Just watching the hours tick by." She made clock noises. But Kotone wasn't able to draw her sister out so she went and played with her other siblings.

Meanwhile in eldest's bedroom she was nervous and scared because her powers were growing stronger.
" I'm scared. It's getting stronger." Rin exclaimed. Her father tried to calm her down.
" Getting upset only makes it worse. Calm down." Her father reached for her but she backed away.
" No don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you." Rin said backing away. The king and queen looked sad to see the eldest behaving this way.

Quite a few years passed and Akemi slid past her elder sister's door. She ran into her parents bedroom and hugged them. They were going on a trip.
" See you in two weeks."

As the king and queen went down the stairs to the entryway their eldest bowed her head in greeting while the younger siblings watched from the top of the stairs.
" Do you really have to go?" The king and queen smiled at the eldest. The king spoke.
" You will be fine." The king and queen left on their journey. However a storm struck and sank their ship. They didn't survive.

The funeral came and went. There was a empty spot by the siblings. The eldest hadn't shown up. That day Chieko stormed to her elder sister's room intending to get mad. When she made it to the door however she grew very sad. She knocked on the door.
" Rin. Please I know you're in there. People are asking where you have been. They say have courage and we're trying to. I'm right out here for you. Just let us in. We only have each other. It's just the six of us. What are we gonna do? Do you wanna build a snowman?" Chieko sank down to the floor. On the other side of the door Rin was on the floor leaning against the door like her sister on the other side. The room was covered in snow and ice. Both children put their heads down and cried.

Three years later everything was peaceful. Rin was now 19 and was to take her place as queen. Chieko was 18. The triplets were 17 and the youngest was 16. The whole village was excited that it was coronation day. Visitors from all over had come to see the queen and the princesses. There were four young men walking around while their two eldest brothers were conducting business. Little did anyone know that this day would not go how everyone intended.

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