Inside the Mind of Patrick Stump part 1

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"Um well I like her eyes," I said.

"Good. Hurely how about you?" Pete wrote down eyes and pointed his pen at Andy.

"Huh? Why do you have to bring me into this? I'm not in love with her I don't know," he said.

"I didn't say you were in love with her just what do you like about her? You guys are best friends," Pete said.

Andy thought about it for a while and Pete was getting a little impatient for an answer.

"I'll come back to you. Okay what do I like about, Emma?" Pete asked himself, "oh she has huge boobs!"

"Dude!" I punched his arm.

"I'm kidding bro, I'm kidding," he laughed, "I really like the hugs she gives."

"Oh I like that she plays video games," Andy said.

Pete nods in agreement then looks at me for another answer.

"Okay you're turn again. Think a little deeper this time," Pete said.

I think about it for a moment,."Geez I don't know. I like everything about her. The way she smiles, how she always worries, when she hums along to our songs at the concerts, her laugh, when we hold hands, the way she looks when you can tell she's thinking. Even her words, just everything you could possibly imagine. I know this sounds super lame but I really love her guys," I give a small smile.

When I think about her a lot I feel sad. I don't know what it means, maybe I love too much? The room was silent I think the guys were a little bummed from that rant I made about Emma.

"Hey guys I'm-I'm gonna go," I said heading for the door.

"You sure dude?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, I kinda want to be alone for a while," I explained.

"Okay bro but if you need us we'll me here," Pete said.

"Kay, thanks guys," I walked out and back to my room.

I fell onto my bed and stared at the ceiling forever just thinking about Emma. No matter how much I wanted to push her out of my mind right now I couldn't she was there to stay and I couldn't fight it anymore. All this thinking wore me out. Maybe a nap will help me clear my head. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

After a nice long nap I woke up by the feeling of someone shaking my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes to find Emma's smiling face looking at me.

"Hey sleepy head," she said.

"Hey Em when did you get home?" I asked.

"About an hour ago. I was going to wake you then but I figured you should sleep," she explained.

"It's okay," I sat up and looked around the room, "Joe's not with you?"

"No Andy and Pete asked him to go hangout," Emma replied.

"Oh so its just you and me huh?" I said.

"Yeah what do you want to do?" She asked and sat beside me.

"I don't know. Whatever you want to do," I said.

I was still feeling down from earlier so I didn't really care as much.

"Hey you feeling okay? You seem kinda sad," Emma scooted closer and hugged me.

Huh, usually its the other way around.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me," I said.

"Telling me not to worry just makes me worry more, Patrick," she explained.

I sighed, "Its really nothing I really don't want you to worry about me."

"Okay I'll try," she smiled.

I leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. She cupped her hands around my face and we continued to kiss. I pulled her onto my lap as our kissing deepened, we exchanged tongues. All of my sadness was melted away and replaced with pure happiness. I wanted to move things forward and I thought she did, but then I thought back to that night in Spain and I pulled away.

"What's wrong Pat?" She asked.

"I just thought about when we were in Spain and I don't want to push anything forward," I explained.

Emma looked at me with a sad smile, again it was one of those times where I wish I knew what she was thinking.

"Thank you for being respectful Patrick. Do you want to go out? We can go for a walk or get food if you're hungry?" Emma said.

Holy smokes I just realized I haven't eaten all day.

"Uh yeah food sounds nice," I smiled.

"Okay lets go," she jumped up and grabbed my hand happily pulling me along.

We walked around looking for a good place to have dinner. We came across a little restaurant it was nothing super fancy but it looked nice. We went inside and sat down together the food was amazing and afterwards we spent the whole time walking and talking. I love having Emma with me just little things like this, she always brightens my mood. Once it was getting late we went back to the hotel. Joe still wasn't back, which is good that I get to spend a little more time with Em.

"Come on let's go sit out here," Emma said gesturing to the balcony. 

I nodded opening the sliding door/window. We stepped out together the balcony wasn't incredibly but it wasn't super tiny either. There was one patio chair Emma and I both shared, she sat up on my lap and I held her tight so she wouldn't fall off. We didn't say much to each other she just mostly stared at the sky and smiled while I couldn't help but smile at her. I know I always say I wish I knew what she was thinking but at the same time I kinda don't, for whatever reason it maybe whether it's fear, or just to keep the mystery about her. However there are two things I'm sure of, one, is that I wouldn't change a thing about her and two, is I want this moment to last forever.

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