Igarashi stared at a small piece of paper with the number and contact information of Agent Hara Kuzowa. 

"If you hear anything or receive anything at all about Hayato Shinomiya, please call me asap," Igarashi recalled Kuzowa saying just before leaving the park yesterday evening. 

Igarashi turned around too see the empty seat of Kae Serinuma. 

"poor Serinuma-chan, I saw on the news that her friend was abucted." A student said.

Igarashi turned to the group of five students as they chattered among themselves. He heard it on the news? Then it must of broadcast allover the country. Igarashi thought to himself. He looked back at Serinuma's desk, Maybe that's the reason she didn't come in today. 

"Yeah wasn't hayato Shinomiya is an underclass?" other asked.

Igarashi tuned back into the kid's conversation as they gossiped.

"Yes. I also heard that Shinomiya-kun was at Serinuma's house the day he disappeared," A girl said.

"What no way!" A boy said.

"Yeah how crazy is that!" 

"What a shame!"

"So If Shinomiya was never at Serinuma's house in the first place, maybe he would've gotten kidnapped," One said ans the others laughed.

With a loud slam, Igarashi stood up with rage as he shouted,"ENOUGH!" 

Those five students turned in shock as they stared up at Igarashi. Even Mutsumi and Nanashima heard the choas as they too turned to look.

"Talking about Shinomiya's disappearance like its some kind of a joke!? Shame on all of you! While you guys laugh it off like Shinomiya's life doesn't mean anything! HOW DARE YOU! Me and and my friend's are worried sick because we don't know if he will ever come back home! We don't even know if his alive!! SO BE MINDFUL OF THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU!"  Igarashi said threw his teeth. 

The five student looked down with shame as Igarashi picked up his things and then stormed out of the room. 

Nanashima and Mutsumi turned to each other. 

Outside the hall, Igarashi turned to his phone as he sat on the staircase. He stared at a picture of all of his friends. Nanashima with his wild smile, Mutsumi with his gentle eyes, Nishima with her charms, Shinomiya the pretty boy, and Serinuma with her lively persona. Igariashi stared at that single picture on his phone as a tear fell. 

"Igarashi?" Nanashima asked as he looked up with concern as Mutsumi stood behind him. 

Igarashi looked up as light tears fell from his face. 

"Are you alright?" Mutsumi asked.

Igarashi wiped his tears with his arm,"I just wish everything was back to how it used to be," 

"You mean with everyone," Mutsumi added.

"Yeah," Igarashi said.

"Igarashi," Nanashima began,"I think its save to say we all want that," He said as he flickered his eyes down at the picture that was on Igarashi's phone.

"That's why we have to do everything we can to help," Mutsumi said.

"Thanks guys, sorry my lame crying ass got the best of me," Igarashi confessed.

"Youre not lame to cry over a friend," Mutsumi said,"showing your feelings is just apart of being human," Mutsumi said with a gentle smile. 


Hayato Shinomiya is MISSINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora